
Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses Aliases

  • Get-MerakiApplianceUplinkStatuses
  • GMAppUpStat


Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses [-networkId <String>] [-serial <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses [-networkId <String>] [-serial <String>] [-OrgId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses [-networkId <String>] [-serial <String>] [-ProfileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-networkId String Filters the output by network Id. false true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) *
-serial String Filters the output by Appliance serial number. Partial serial number can be specified bu using the * wildcard. i.e. "*HG4U" false true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) *
-OrgId String false false
-ProfileName String false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of Meraki uplink objects.

Get-MerakiSwitchPort Aliases

  • Get-MerakiDeviceSwitchPort
  • Get-MerakiSwitchPorts
  • GMDevSwPort
  • GMSwPort
  • GMSwPorts


Get-MerakiSwitchPort [-Serial] <String> [[-PortId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String The switch serial number. true true (ByPropertyName)
-PortId String The port Id. If Omitted all ports are returned false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki switch port object or array of switch port objects.

Get-MerakiApplianceStaticRoutes Aliases

  • Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceStaticRoutes


Get-MerakiApplianceStaticRoutes [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The Network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of Meraki static route objects.

Get-MerakiApplianceVLANS Aliases

  • Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceVLANS


Get-MerakiApplianceVLANS [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • AN array of Meraki VLAN objects.

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceVpnStats Aliases

  • Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceVpnStats
  • GMAVpnStats
  • GMOAVpnStats


Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceVpnStats -id <String> [-perPage <Int32>] [-TimeSpan <Int32>] [-Summarize] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceVpnStats -id <String> [-perPage <Int32>] [-TimeSpan <Int32>] [-Summarize] [-OrgId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceVpnStats -id <String> [-perPage <Int32>] [-TimeSpan <Int32>] [-Summarize] [-ProfileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The Network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-perPage Int32 The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 300. Default is 300. false false 100
-TimeSpan Int32 Number of seconds to return data for. default = 5. false false 5
-Summarize SwitchParameter Summarize the statistics,
AN array op VPN peer objects or a summary object.
false false False
-OrgId String Optional Organization Id. false false
-ProfileName String Optional Profile Name false false

Get-MerakiSwitchLAG Aliases

  • Get-MerakiNetworkSwitchLAG
  • GMNetSWLag


Get-MerakiSwitchLAG [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The network Id. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of switch lag objects. The Lag object refactored into a single level object with the following properties: LagID: The id og the LAG Switch: Switch name. Serial: Switch serial. PortId: POrt Id (number) PortName: Port name or description if configured.

Get-MerakiSwitchStack Aliases

  • Get-MerakiNetworkSwitchStack
  • Get-MerakiNetworkSwitchStacks
  • GMSwStack


Get-MerakiSwitchStack [-Id] <String> [[-StackId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String true true (ByPropertyName)
-StackId String The stack Id. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki switch stack object.

Get-MerakiSwitchStack Aliases

  • Get-MerakiNetworkSwitchStack
  • Get-MerakiNetworkSwitchStacks
  • GMSwStack


Get-MerakiSwitchStack [-Id] <String> [[-StackId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String true true (ByPropertyName)
-StackId String The stack Id. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki switch stack object.

Get-MerakiSwitchPort Aliases

  • Get-MerakiDeviceSwitchPort
  • Get-MerakiSwitchPorts
  • GMDevSwPort
  • GMSwPort
  • GMSwPorts


Get-MerakiSwitchPort [-Serial] <String> [[-PortId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String The switch serial number. true true (ByPropertyName)
-PortId String The port Id. If Omitted all ports are returned false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki switch port object or array of switch port objects.

Get-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterface Aliases

  • Get-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterfaces
  • GMSWRoutInt
  • GMSWRoutInts


Get-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterface [-serial] <String> [[-interfaceId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-serial String The serial number of the switch. true true (ByPropertyName)
-interfaceId String The interface Id. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki switch interface object.

Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterface Aliases

  • Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterfaces
  • GMNetSWStRoutInts
  • GMSWStackRoutInt


Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterface [-NetworkId] <String> [-Id] <String> [[-interfaceId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The network Id. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Id StackId String true true (ByPropertyName)
-interfaceId String The interface Id. If Omitted return all interfaces. false true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki interface object.

Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterfaceDHCP Aliases

  • Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterfacesDHCP
  • GMSwStRoutIntDHCP


Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterfaceDHCP [-interfaceId] <String> [-networkId] <String> [-stackId] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-interfaceId String The interface Id. true true (ByPropertyName)
-networkId String The network Id true true (ByPropertyName)
-stackId String The Stack Id. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki interface DHCP object.

Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoute Aliases

  • Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoutes


Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoute [-NetworkId] <String> [-StackId] <String> [[-StaticRouteId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-StackId Id String The Id of the switch stack. true true (ByPropertyName)
-StaticRouteId String The id of the static route. If Omitted returns all static routes. false true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A static route object.




New-MerakiSwitchStack [-NetworkId] <String> [-Name] <String> [-Serials] <String[]> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network to create the stack in true false
-Name String The name of the stack true false
-Serials String[] an array of switch serial numbers to add to the stack. true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An object containing the newly created stack


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Comment None string true false
-DestinationCidr DestCidr string true false
-DestinationPort destPort string false false
-Id NetworkId string true true (ByPropertyName)
-Policy None string true false
-SourceCidr srcCidr string true false
-SourcePort srcPort string false false
-SyslogEnabled None switch false false
-protocol None string true false

Add-MerakiApplianceContentFilteringRules Aliases

  • AddMNetAppCFR


Add-MerakiApplianceContentFilteringRules [-Id] <String> [[-allowedURLPatterns] <String[]>] [[-blockedURLPatterns] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id String The Network ID. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-allowedURLPatterns String[] An array of allowed URL patterns. false false
-blockedURLPatterns String[] An array of blocked URL patterns. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • The updated content filtering rules.


Add sites to the allowed and blocked URL patterns.
PS> $Network | Add-MerakiNetworkApplianceContentFilteringRule -allowedUrlPatterns "" -blockedUrlPatterns ""

Top of page


Add-MerakiApplianceDelegatedStaticPrefix [-Id] <String> [[-Description] <String>] [-Prefix] <String> [-Type] <String> [-Interfaces] <String[]> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Description String A name or description for the prefix false false
-Prefix String A static IPv6 prefix true false
-Type String Type of the origin. Valid values are 'independent', 'internet' true false
-Interfaces String[] An array of interfaces associated with the prefix. i.e. 'wan1' true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A delegated static prefix object.


Add-MerakiApplianceFirewallNatRule [-Id] <String> [-Type] <String> [[-PublicIp] <String>] [-Uplink] <String> [[-PortRules] <PSObject[]>] [[-LanIp] <String>] [[-Name] <String>] [[-AllowedInbound] <PSObject>] [[-Protocol] <String>] [[-PublicPort] <String>] [[-LocalPort] <String>] [[-AllowedIps] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of tye network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Type String The type of rule, can be one of: 'OneToMany','OneToOne',or 'PortForwarding' true false
-PublicIp String The IP address that will be used to access the internal resource from the WAN.
This parameter is only valid for for OneToMany and OneToOne rules.
false false
-Uplink String The physical WAN interface on which the traffic will arrive ('internet1' or, if available, 'internet2') true false
-PortRules PSObject[] An array of associated forwarding rules with the following properties:
localIp: string Local IP address to which traffic will be forwarded
localPort: string Destination port of the forwarded traffic that will be sent from the MX to the specified host on the LAN. If you simply wish to forward the traffic without translating the port, this should be the same as the Public port
name: string A description of the rule
protocol: string 'tcp' or 'udp'
publicPort: string Destination port of the traffic that is arriving on the WAN
allowedIps: array[] Remote IP addresses or ranges that are permitted to access the internal resource via this port forwarding rule, or 'any'

This property can be either a PsObject or a HashTable
This property is only valid for OneToMany rules.
false false
-LanIp String The IP address of the server or device that hosts the internal resource that you wish to make available on the WAN
This parameter is only valid for OneToOne or PortForwarding rules.
false false
-Name String A descriptive name for the rule.
This parameter is only valid for OneToOne or PortForwarding rules.
false false
-AllowedInbound PSObject The ports this mapping will provide access on, and the remote IPs that will be allowed access to the resource
The parameter is only valid for OneToMany rules.
false false
-Protocol String TCP or UDP. Valid values are 'tcp', 'udp'
The parameter is only valid for PortForwarding rules.
false false
-PublicPort String A port or port ranges that will be forwarded to the host on the LAN.
The parameter is only valid for PortForwarding rules.
false false
-LocalPort String A port or port ranges that will receive the forwarded traffic from the WAN
The parameter is only valid for PortForwarding rules.
false false
-AllowedIps String[] An array of ranges of WAN IP addresses that are allowed to make inbound connections on the specified ports or port ranges (or any)
The parameter is only valid for PortForwarding rules.
false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of One top Many Firewall NAT rules


Add-MerakiApplianceInboundCellularFirewallRule [-Id] <String> [[-Comment] <String>] [-Policy] <String> [[-SourceCIDR] <String>] [[-SourcePort] <String>] [[-Protocol] <String>] [-DestinationCIDR] <String> [[-DestinationPort] <String>] [-SyslogEnabled] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Comment String Description of the rule (optional) false false
-Policy String 'allow' or 'deny' traffic specified by this rule true false
-SourceCIDR srcCidr String Comma-separated list of source IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), or 'any' (note: FQDN not supported for source addresses) false false
-SourcePort srcPort String Comma-separated list of source port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any' false false any
-Protocol String The type of protocol (must be 'tcp', 'udp', 'icmp', 'icmp6' or 'any') false false any
-DestinationCIDR destCidr String Comma-separated list of destination IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) or 'any' true false
-DestinationPort destPort String Comma-separated list of destination port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any' false false any
-SyslogEnabled SwitchParameter Log this rule to syslog (true or false, boolean value) - only applicable if a syslog has been configured (optional) false false False


Add-MerakiApplianceInboundFirewallRule [-Id] <String> [-Policy] <String> [-protocol] <String> [[-SourcePort] <String>] [-SourceCidr] <String> [-DestinationCidr] <String> [[-DestinationPort] <String>] [-SyslogEnabled] [-Comment] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String true true (ByPropertyName)
-Policy String 'allow' or 'deny' traffic specified by this rule true false
-protocol String The type of protocol (must be 'tcp', 'udp', 'icmp', 'icmp6' or 'any') true false
-SourcePort srcPort String Comma-separated list of source port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any' false false any
-SourceCidr srcCidr String Comma-separated list of source IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), or 'any' (note: FQDN not supported for source addresses) true false
-DestinationCidr DestCidr String Comma-separated list of destination IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) or 'any' true false
-DestinationPort destPort String Comma-separated list of destination port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any' false false any
-SyslogEnabled SwitchParameter Log this rule to syslog (true or false, boolean value) - only applicable if a syslog has been configured (optional) false false False
-Comment String Description of the rule (optional) true false


Add-MerakiApplianceL3FirewallRule [-Id] <String> [[-Policy] <String>] [[-Comment] <String>] [[-Protocol] <String>] [[-SourceCIDR] <String>] [[-SourcePort] <String>] [[-DestinationCIDR] <String>] [[-DestinationPort] <String>] [-SyslogEnabled] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Network ID. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Policy String The Policy for this rule. false false
-Comment String Description of the rule. false false
-Protocol String The protocol to use false false
-SourceCIDR String Comma-separated list of source IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), or 'any' (note: FQDN not supported for source addresses) false false
-SourcePort String Comma-separated list of source port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any' false false any
-DestinationCIDR String Comma-separated list of destination IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) or 'any' false false
-DestinationPort String Comma-separated list of destination port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any' false false any
-SyslogEnabled SwitchParameter Log this rule to syslog - only applicable if a syslog has been configured (optional) false false False
-PassThru SwitchParameter Return the newly created rule. false false False


Add-MerakiApplianceL7FirewallRule [-Id] <String> [-Type] <String> [-Value] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id if the Network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Type String Type of the L7 rule. One of: 'application', 'applicationCategory', 'host', 'port', 'ipRange' true false
-Value String The 'value' of what you want to block. Format of 'value' varies depending on type of the rule.
The application categories and application ids can be retrieved from the the
'Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceApplicationCategories' endpoint. The countries follow the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format
true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of Level 7 Firewall Rules


Add-MerakiApplianceStaticRoute [-id] <String> [-Name] <String> [-Subnet] <String> [-NextHop] <String> [[-NextHopVlanID] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id NetworkId String The Id of the Network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Name String The name of the new static route true false
-Subnet String The subnet of the static route true false
-NextHop GatewayIp String true false
-NextHopVlanID GatewayVlanID String false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of static route objects.


Add-MerakiApplianceVlan [-NetworkId] <String> [-VlanId] <String> [-Name] <String> [[-Subnet] <String>] [[-ApplianceIp] <String>] [[-GroupPolicyId] <String>] [[-TemplateVlanType] <String>] [[-CIDR] <String>] [[-Mask] <Int32>] [-Ipv6Enabled] [[-Ipv6PrefixAssignments] <Hashtable[]>] [-MandatoryDHCP] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The ID of the network to create the VLAN. true false
-VlanId String The VLAN ID of the new VLAN (must be between 1 and 4094). true false
-Name String The name of the new VLAN. true false
-Subnet String The subnet of the VLAN. false false
-ApplianceIp String The local IP of the appliance on the VLAN false false
-GroupPolicyId String The id of the desired group policy to apply to the VLAN false false
-TemplateVlanType String Type of subnetting of the VLAN. Applicable only for template network. Valid values are 'same', 'unique'. false false
-CIDR String CIDR of the pool of subnets. Applicable only for template network. Each network bound to the template will automatically pick a subnet from this pool to build its own VLAN. false false
-Mask Int32 Mask used for the subnet of all bound to the template networks. Applicable only for template network. false false 0
-Ipv6Enabled SwitchParameter Enable IPv6 on VLAN. false false False
-Ipv6PrefixAssignments Hashtable[] Prefix assignments on the VLAN false false
-MandatoryDHCP SwitchParameter Mandatory DHCP will enforce that clients connecting to this VLAN must use the IP address assigned by the DHCP server. Clients who use a static IP address won't be able to associate. Only available on firmware versions 17.0 and above false false False


Add-MerakiNetwork -Name <String> -ProductTypes <String[]> [-TimeZone <String>] [-Notes <String>] [-Tags <String[]>] [-CopyFromNetworkId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Add-MerakiNetwork -Name <String> -ProductTypes <String[]> [-TimeZone <String>] [-Notes <String>] [-Tags <String[]>] [-CopyFromNetworkId <String>] [-OrgID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Add-MerakiNetwork -Name <String> -ProductTypes <String[]> [-TimeZone <String>] [-Notes <String>] [-Tags <String[]>] [-CopyFromNetworkId <String>] [-profileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Name String The name of the network true false
-ProductTypes String[] The product type(s) of the new network. If more than one type is included, the network will be a combined network. true false
-TimeZone String Time zone name from the ICANN tz database false false
-Notes String Add any notes or additional information about this network here. false false
-Tags String[] A list of tags to be applied to the network false false
-CopyFromNetworkId String The ID of the network to copy configuration from. Other provided parameters will override the copied configuration, except type which must match this network's type exactly. false false
-OrgID String Optional Organizational ID. false false
-profileName String Optional Profile name. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An object containing the new network.

Add-MerakiSwitchAccessControlEntry Aliases

  • AMSWAce


Add-MerakiSwitchAccessControlEntry [-NetworkId] <String> [[-Vlan] <String>] [[-SourcePort] <String>] [[-SourceCidr] <String>] [[-Protocol] <String>] [[-Policy] <String>] [[-IpVersion] <String>] [[-DestinationPort] <String>] [[-DestinationCidr] <String>] [[-Comment] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network. true false
-Vlan String Incoming traffic VLAN false false any
-SourcePort SrcPort String The source port. false false any
-SourceCidr SrcCidr String Source IP address (in IP or CIDR notation) false false any
-Protocol String The type of protocol false false any
-Policy String allow' or 'deny' traffic specified by this rule false false
-IpVersion String IP address version false false
-DestinationPort DstPort String The destination port. false false any
-DestinationCidr DstCidr String Destination IP address (in IP or CIDR notation) false false any
-Comment String Description of the rule (optional) false false


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-AccessPolicyType None string false false
-Dot1xControlDirection None string false false
-GuestVlanId None int false false
-HostMode None string true false
-IncreaseAccessSpeed None switch false false
-Name None string true false
-NetworkId None string true false
-Radius None psobject false false
-RadiusAccountingEnabled None switch false false
-RadiusAccountingServers None psobject[] false false
-RadiusCoaSupportEnabled None switch false false
-RadiusGroupAttribute None string false false
-RadiusServers None psobject[] true false
-RadiusTestingEnabled None switch false false
-UrlRedirectWalledGardenEnabled None switch false false
-UrlRedirectWalledGardenRanges None string[] false false
-VoiceVlanClients None switch false false


Add-MerakiSwitchLAG [-NetworkId] <String> [-SwitchPorts] <Hashtable[]> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String Network ID to add the LAG to. true false
-SwitchPorts Hashtable[] Switch Ports to use in the LAG.
SwitchPorts is a an array of hashtable objects. These objects are either switch ports or switch profile ports. Defined as below.

switchPorts: array[] - Array of switch or stack ports for creating aggregation group. Minimum 2 and maximum 8 ports are supported.
portId*:string - Port identifier of switch port. For modules, the identifier is "SlotNumber_ModuleType_PortNumber" (Ex: "1_8X10G_1"), otherwise it is just the port number (Ex: "8").
serial*:string - Serial number of the switch.

switchProfilePorts: array[] - Array of switch profile ports for creating aggregation group. Minimum 2 and maximum 8 ports are supported.
portId*:string - Port identifier of switch port. For modules, the identifier is "SlotNumber_ModuleType_PortNumber" (Ex: "1_8X10G_1"), otherwise it is just the port number (Ex: "8").
profile*:string - Profile identifier.
true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A LAG object.


Add-MerakiSwitchPortSchedule [-NetworkId] <String> [-Name] <String> [[-PortSchedule] <PSObject[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String Network to apply the port schedule to true false
-Name String The name of the port schedule true false
-PortSchedule PSObject[] The schedule for switch port scheduling. Schedules are applied to days of the week.
When it's empty, default schedule with all days of a week are configured.
Any unspecified day in the schedule is added as a default schedule configuration of the day.

An object of port schedules. Schedule consist of:
Day of week (Monday, Tuesday, etc)
Active: boolean - Whether the schedule is active (true) or inactive (false) during the time specified between 'from' and 'to'. Defaults to true.
from:string - The time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be less than the time specified in 'to'. Defaults to '00:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
to: string - The time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be greater than the time specified in 'from'. Defaults to '24:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
(see examples)
false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A port schedule object.


The following example show how to create a port schedule.
$portSchedule = @{ monday = @{ active = "true" from = "08:00" to = "17:00" }, tuesday = @{ active = "true" from = "08:00" to = "17:00" }, wednesday = @{ active = "true" from = "08:00" to = "17:00" }, thursday = @{ active = "true" from = "08:00" to = "17:00" }, friday = @{ active = "true" from = "08:00" to = "17:00" }, saturday = @{ active = "true" from = "00:00" to = "24:00" }, sunday = @{ active = "true" from = "00:00" to = "24:00" }, } $result = Add-MerakiSwitchPortSchedule -NetworkId $NetworkId -Name "Weekday Schedule" -PortSchedule $PortSchedule

Top of page


Add-MerakiSwitchQosRule [-NetworkId] <String> [-Vlan] <Int32> [[-Protocol] <String>] [[-SourcePort] <Int32>] [[-SourcePortRange] <String>] [[-DestinationPort] <Int32>] [[-DestinationPortRange] <String>] [[-dscp] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String Network ID fo the network. true false
-Vlan Int32 The VLAN of the incoming packet. A null value will match any VLAN. true false 0
-Protocol String The protocol of the incoming packet. Can be one of "ANY", "TCP" or "UDP". Default value is "ANY" false false ANY
-SourcePort srcPort Int32 The source port of the incoming packet. Applicable only if protocol is TCP or UDP. false false 0
-SourcePortRange srcPortRange String The source port range of the incoming packet. Applicable only if protocol is set to TCP or UDP. Example: 70-80 false false
-DestinationPort dstPort Int32 The destination port of the incoming packet. Applicable only if protocol is TCP or UDP. false false 0
-DestinationPortRange dstPortRange String The destination port range of the incoming packet. Applicable only if protocol is set to TCP or UDP. Example: 70-80 false false
-dscp Int32 DSCP tag. Set this to -1 to trust incoming DSCP. Default value is 0 false false 0


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A QOS Rule Object

Add-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterface Aliases

  • AddMSRouteInt


Add-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterface [-Serial] <String> [-VlanId] <Int32> [-Name] <String> [[-Subnet] <String>] [[-DefaultGateway] <String>] [[-InterfaceIp] <String>] [[-MulticastRouting] <String>] [[-Ipv6Address] <String>] [[-Ipv6AssignmentMode] <String>] [[-Ipv6Gateway] <String>] [[-Ipv6Prefix] <String>] [[-OspfCost] <Int32>] [[-OspfArea] <String>] [-OspfIsPassive] [[-OspfV3Cost] <Int32>] [[-OspfV3Area] <String>] [-OspfV3IsPassive] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String Serial number of the switch. true true (ByPropertyName)
-VlanId Int32 The VLAN this routed interface is on. VLAN must be between 1 and 4094. true false 0
-Name String A friendly name or description for the interface or VLAN. true false
-Subnet String The network that this routed interface is on, in CIDR notation (ex. false false
-DefaultGateway String The next hop for any traffic that isn't going to a directly connected subnet or over a static route.
This IP address must exist in a subnet with a routed interface. Required if this is the first IPv4 interface.
false false
-InterfaceIp String The IP address this switch will use for layer 3 routing on this VLAN or subnet. This cannot be the same as the switch's management IP. false false
-MulticastRouting String Enable multicast support if, multicast routing between VLANs is required.
Options are: 'disabled', 'enabled' or 'IGMP snooping querier'. Default is 'disabled'.
false false
-Ipv6Address String The IPv6 address of the interface. Required if assignmentMode is 'static'. Must not be included if assignmentMode is 'eui-64'. false false
-Ipv6AssignmentMode String The IPv6 assignment mode for the interface. Can be either 'eui-64' or 'static'. false false
-Ipv6Gateway String The IPv6 default gateway of the interface. Required if prefix is defined and this is the first interface with IPv6 configured for the switch. false false
-Ipv6Prefix String The IPv6 prefix of the interface. Required if IPv6 object is included. false false
-OspfCost Int32 The path cost for this interface. Defaults to 1, but can be increased up to 65535 to give lower priority. false false 0
-OspfArea String The OSPF area to which this interface should belong. Can be either 'disabled' or the identifier of an existing OSPF area. Defaults to 'disabled'. false false
-OspfIsPassive SwitchParameter When enabled, OSPF will not run on the interface, but the subnet will still be advertised. false false False
-OspfV3Cost Int32 The path cost for this interface. Defaults to 1, but can be increased up to 65535 to give lower priority. false false 0
-OspfV3Area String The OSPFv3 area to which this interface should belong.
Can be either 'disabled' or the identifier of an existing OSPFv3 area. Defaults to 'disabled'.
false false
-OspfV3IsPassive SwitchParameter When enabled, OSPFv3 will not run on the interface, but the subnet will still be advertised. false false False


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • "Interface Object"


Add-MerakiSwitchRoutingStaticRoute [-Serial] <String> [-Name] <String> [-NextHopIp] <String> [-Subnet] <String> [-AdvertiseViaOspfEnabled] [-PreferOverOspfRoutesEnabled] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String The serial number of the switch true false
-Name String The name of the static route true false
-NextHopIp String IP address of the next hop device to which the device sends its traffic for the subnet true false
-Subnet String The subnet which is routed via this static route and should be specified in CIDR notation (ex. true false
-AdvertiseViaOspfEnabled SwitchParameter Option to advertise static route via OSPF false false False
-PreferOverOspfRoutesEnabled SwitchParameter Option to prefer static route over OSPF routes false false False


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An object containing the newly created static route

Add-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterface Aliases

  • AddMSSRteInt


Add-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterface [-NetworkId] <String> [-StackId] <String> [-VlanId] <Int32> [-Name] <String> [[-Subnet] <String>] [[-InterfaceIp] <String>] [[-DefaultGateway] <String>] [[-Ipv6Address] <String>] [[-Ipv6AssignmentMode] <String>] [[-Ipv6Gateway] <String>] [[-Ipv6Prefix] <String>] [[-OspfCost] <Int32>] [[-OspfArea] <String>] [-OspfIsPassiveEnabled] [[-OspfV3Cost] <Int32>] [[-OspfV3Area] <String>] [-OspfV3IsPassiveEnabled] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network. true false
-StackId String The Id of the switch stack. true false
-VlanId Int32 The VLAN this routed interface is on. VLAN must be between 1 and 4094 true false 0
-Name String A friendly name or description for the interface or VLAN. true false
-Subnet String The network that this routed interface is on, in CIDR notation (ex. false false
-InterfaceIp String The IP address this switch stack will use for layer 3 routing on this VLAN or subnet. This cannot be the same as the switch's management IP. false false
-DefaultGateway String The next hop for any traffic that isn't going to a directly connected subnet or over a static route. This IP address must exist in a subnet with a routed interface. false false
-Ipv6Address String The IPv6 address of the interface. Required if assignmentMode is 'static'. Must not be included if assignmentMode is 'eui-64'. false false
-Ipv6AssignmentMode String The IPv6 assignment mode for the interface. Can be either 'eui-64' or 'static'. false false
-Ipv6Gateway String The IPv6 default gateway of the interface. Required if prefix is defined and this is the first interface with IPv6 configured for the stack. false false
-Ipv6Prefix String The IPv6 prefix of the interface. Required if IPv6 object is included. false false
-OspfCost Int32 The path cost for this interface. Defaults to 1, but can be increased up to 65535 to give lower priority. false false 0
-OspfArea String The OSPF area to which this interface should belong. Can be either 'disabled' or the identifier of an existing OSPF area. Defaults to 'disabled'. false false
-OspfIsPassiveEnabled SwitchParameter When enabled, OSPF will not run on the interface, but the subnet will still be advertised. false false False
-OspfV3Cost Int32 The path cost for this interface. Defaults to 1, but can be increased up to 65535 to give lower priority. false false 0
-OspfV3Area String The OSPF area to which this interface should belong. Can be either 'disabled' or the identifier of an existing OSPF area. Defaults to 'disabled'. false false
-OspfV3IsPassiveEnabled SwitchParameter When enabled, OSPF will not run on the interface, but the subnet will still be advertised. false false False

Add-MerakiSwitchStackSwitch Aliases

  • AMSSSwitch


Add-MerakiSwitchStackSwitch [-NetworkId] <String> [-StackId] <String> [-serial] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network true false
-StackId String The ID of the stack true false
-serial String The serial number of the new switch true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An object containing the stack.


Connect-MerakiNetworkToTemplate [-NetworkId] <String> [-ConfigTemplateId] <String> [-AutoBind] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network to connect true false
-ConfigTemplateId String The Id of the configuration template true false
-AutoBind SwitchParameter Optional boolean indicating whether the network's switches should automatically bind to profiles of the same model.
Defaults to false if left unspecified. This option only affects switch networks and switch templates.
Auto-bind is not valid unless the switch template has at least one profile and has at most one profile per switch model.
false false False


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A network object


Disconnect-MerakiNetworkFromTemplate [-NetworkId] <String> [-RetainConfigs] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The ID of the network true false
-RetainConfigs SwitchParameter Optional boolean to retain all the current configs given by the template. false false False
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A network object


Get-MerakiApplianceCellularFirewallRules [-Id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Network ID to retrieve the rules from. true true (ByPropertyName)


Get-MerakiApplianceClientSecurityEvents -Id <String> -ClientId <String> [-PerPage <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiApplianceClientSecurityEvents -Id <String> -ClientId <String> -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-PerPage <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiApplianceClientSecurityEvents -Id <String> -ClientId <String> -Days <Int32> [-PerPage <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-ClientId String The ID of the client. true true (ByPropertyName)
-StartDate DateTime The beginning of the timespan for the data. Data is gathered after the specified StartDate value. The maximum look back period is 791 days from today. true false
-EndDate DateTime The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 791 days after StartDate. true false
-Days Int32 The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters StartDate and EndDate. The value must be less than or equal to 791 days. The default is 31 days. true false 0
-PerPage Int32 The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 100. false false 0


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of security event objects.

Get-MerakiApplianceContentFiltering Aliases

  • GMNetCF


Get-MerakiApplianceContentFiltering [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)

Get-MerakiApplianceContentFilteringCategories Aliases

  • GMNetAppCFCats


Get-MerakiApplianceContentFilteringCategories [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The Network ID. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of content filtering categories.


Filtering category IDs are different between MX devices. You cannot use category IDs from an MX84 to set categories on an MX100.
It is best practice to pull the list of categories from the device before attempting to set any new categories.


Get-MerakiApplianceDelegatesStaticPrefix [-Id] <String> [-PrefixId] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-PrefixId String The Static Prefix Id. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Delegated Static prefix object.


Get-MerakiApplianceDelegatesStaticPrefixes [-Id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of static prefixes.

Get-MerakiApplianceDhcpSubnets Aliases

  • GMNetAppDhcpSubnet


Get-MerakiApplianceDhcpSubnets [-serial] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-serial String The serial number of the appliance. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A collection of Subnet objects.


Get-MerakiApplianceFirewallNatRules [-Id] <String> [-Type] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Type String The type of mapping rule. One of OneToMany, OneToOne, or PortForwarding true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of NAT mapping rules.\


Get-MerakiApplianceInboundCellularFirewallRules [-Id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of inbound cellular firewall rule objects.


Get-MerakiApplianceInboundFirewallRules [-Id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of inbound firewall rules.


Get-MerakiApplianceL3FirewallRules [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id NetworkId String The network Id. true true (ByPropertyName)


Get-MerakiApplianceL7ApplicationCategories [-Id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the Network. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of application category objects.


Get-MerakiApplianceL7FirewallRules [-Id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of level 7 firewall rules.


Get-MerakiAppliancePort [-NetworkId] <String> [-Number] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId Id String true true (ByPropertyName)
-Number String The port number true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An Appliance port object.

Get-MerakiAppliancePorts Aliases

  • GMAppPorts


Get-MerakiAppliancePorts [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of Meraki port objects.


Get-MerakiApplianceSecurityEvents -Id <String> [-PerPage <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiApplianceSecurityEvents -Id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-PerPage <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiApplianceSecurityEvents -Id <String> -Days <Int32> [-PerPage <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network true true (ByPropertyName)
-StartDate DateTime The beginning of the timespan for the data. Data is gathered after the specified StartDate value. The maximum look back period is 791 days from today. true false
-EndDate DateTime The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 791 days after StartDate. true false
-Days Int32 The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters StartDate and EndDate. The value must be less than or equal to 791 days. The default is 31 days. true false 0
-PerPage Int32 The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 100. false false 0


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of security event objects.


Get-MerakiApplianceSecurityIntrusion [-Id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An intrusion settings object.


Get-MerakiApplianceSecurityMalwareSettings [-Id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A malware settings object


Get-MerakiApplianceSingleLan [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id NetworkId String The id of the Network. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A single LAN configuration object.


Get-MerakiApplianceSiteToSiteVPN [-id] <String> [-hr] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-hr SwitchParameter Formats the output into 2 tables. Hubs and Subnets. false false False


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • If -hr is specified outputs tables to the console. If -hr is omitted, outputs a Meraki Site-to-Site VPN object.

Get-MerakiApplianceStaticRoutes Aliases

  • Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceStaticRoutes


Get-MerakiApplianceStaticRoutes [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The Network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of Meraki static route objects.

Get-MerakiApplianceVLAN Aliases

  • GMNetAppVLAN


Get-MerakiApplianceVLAN [-networkId] <String> [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-networkId String The Network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-id String The VLAN Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki VLAN object.

Get-MerakiApplianceVLANS Aliases

  • Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceVLANS


Get-MerakiApplianceVLANS [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • AN array of Meraki VLAN objects.

Get-MerakiDevice Aliases

  • GMNetDev


Get-MerakiDevice [-Serial] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String The serial number of the device. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki device object.

Get-MerakiDeviceClients Aliases

  • GMDevClients


Get-MerakiDeviceClients -serial <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiDeviceClients -serial <String> -StartDate <DateTime> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiDeviceClients -serial <String> -StartDate <DateTime> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiDeviceClients -serial <String> -StartDate <DateTime> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiDeviceClients -serial <String> -Days <Int32> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiDeviceClients -serial <String> -Days <Int32> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiDeviceClients -serial <String> -Days <Int32> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-serial String The serial number of the device. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-StartDate DateTime The starting date to retrieve data. Maximum 31 days prior to today. true false
-Days Int32 Number of days prior to today to retrieve data. Maximum of 31 days prior to today. true false 0


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial None string true true (ByPropertyName)

Get-MerakiNetwork Aliases

  • GMNet


Get-MerakiNetwork [-networkID] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-networkID Id String The ID of the network. true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki network object.

Get-MerakiNetworkClientApplicationUsage Aliases

  • GMNetClientAppUsage


Get-MerakiNetworkClientApplicationUsage -Id <String> [-Clients <String>] [-SSIDNumber <Int32>] [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientApplicationUsage -Id <String> [-Clients <String>] [-SSIDNumber <Int32>] -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientApplicationUsage -Id <String> [-Clients <String>] [-SSIDNumber <Int32>] -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientApplicationUsage -Id <String> [-Clients <String>] [-SSIDNumber <Int32>] -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientApplicationUsage -Id <String> [-Clients <String>] [-SSIDNumber <Int32>] -Days <Int32> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientApplicationUsage -Id <String> [-Clients <String>] [-SSIDNumber <Int32>] -Days <Int32> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientApplicationUsage -Id <String> [-Clients <String>] [-SSIDNumber <Int32>] -Days <Int32> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Network Id. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Clients String A array of client keys, MACs or IPs. false false
-SSIDNumber Int32 An SSID number to include. If not specified, usage histories application usage for all SSIDs will be returned. false false 0
-StartDate DateTime The starting date to retrieve date (Cannot be more than 31 days before today). true false
-EndDate DateTime The ending date to retrieve data (Cannot be more than 31 days after today). true false
-Days Int32 Number of days before to day to retrieve date. (Cannot be more than 31 days before today). Default is 1 day. true false 0
-PerPage Int32 The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. false false 0
-Pages Int32 Number of pages to return. Default is all. false false 1


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of application usage statistics.

Get-MerakiNetworkClientBandwidthUsage Aliases

  • GMNetCltBWUsage


Get-MerakiNetworkClientBandwidthUsage -id <String> [-perPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientBandwidthUsage -id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-perPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientBandwidthUsage -id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-perPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientBandwidthUsage -id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-perPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientBandwidthUsage -id <String> -Days <Int32> [-perPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientBandwidthUsage -id <String> -Days <Int32> [-perPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientBandwidthUsage -id <String> -Days <Int32> [-perPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id NetworkId String Network Id true true (ByPropertyName)
-StartDate StartTime DateTime The beginning of the timespan for the data. Must be no more than 31 days from today. true false
-EndDate EndTime DateTime The end time for the data. Must be no more than 31 days after StartTime. true false
-Days Int32 Number fo days prior to today to return data. true false 0
-perPage Int32 The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. false false 0
-Pages Int32 Number of pages to return. Default is all. false false 0


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • Am array of usage statistics.


Get-MerakiNetworkClientConnectionStats -Id <String> -ClientId <String> [-Band <String>] [-SSID <String>] [-VLAN <Int32>] [-APTag <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientConnectionStats -Id <String> -ClientId <String> -StartDate <DateTime> [-Band <String>] [-SSID <String>] [-VLAN <Int32>] [-APTag <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientConnectionStats -Id <String> -ClientId <String> -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-Band <String>] [-SSID <String>] [-VLAN <Int32>] [-APTag <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientConnectionStats -Id <String> -ClientId <String> -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-Band <String>] [-SSID <String>] [-VLAN <Int32>] [-APTag <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientConnectionStats -Id <String> -ClientId <String> -EndDate <DateTime> [-Band <String>] [-SSID <String>] [-VLAN <Int32>] [-APTag <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientConnectionStats -Id <String> -ClientId <String> -Days <Int32> [-Band <String>] [-SSID <String>] [-VLAN <Int32>] [-APTag <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientConnectionStats -Id <String> -ClientId <String> -Days <Int32> [-Band <String>] [-SSID <String>] [-VLAN <Int32>] [-APTag <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkClientConnectionStats -Id <String> -ClientId <String> -Days <Int32> [-Band <String>] [-SSID <String>] [-VLAN <Int32>] [-APTag <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id String The Network Id. true true (ByPropertyName)
-ClientId String true true (ByPropertyName)
-StartDate DateTime The starting date to return data. Must be no more that 7 days before today. true false
-EndDate DateTime The ending date to return data. Must be no more than 7 days before today. true false
-Days Int32 The number of days prior to today to return data. Must be no more that 7 days before today. true false 0
-Band String Filter results by band (either '2.4', '5' or '6'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. false false
-SSID String Filter results by SSID. false false
-VLAN Int32 Filter results by VLAN. false false 0
-APTag String Filter results by AP Tag. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A collection of connectivity information objects.


Get-MerakiNetworkClients [-id] <String> [[-Days] <Int32>] [[-PerPage] <Int32>] [[-Pages] <Int32>] [[-Statuses] <String>] [[-Mac] <String>] [[-IP] <String>] [[-PskGroup] <String>] [[-OS] <String>] [[-Description] <String>] [[-VLAN] <String>] [[-recentDeviceConnections] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id NetworkId String The network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-Days Int32 Number of days back from today to retrieve client connections. If specified do not specify StartDate or EndDate (cannot be more than 31 days from today) false false 0
-PerPage Int32 Sets the number of items returned per page. false false 0
-Pages Int32 Sets the number of pages returned. Default is 1, 0 returns all pages. false false 1
-Statuses String Filters clients based on status. Can be one of 'Online' or 'Offline'. false false
-Mac String Filters clients based on a partial or full match for the mac address field. false false
-IP String Filters clients based on a partial or full match for the ip address field false false
-PskGroup String Filters clients based on partial or full match for the iPSK name field. false false
-OS String Filters clients based on a partial or full match for the os (operating system) field. false false
-Description String Filters clients based on a partial or full match for the description field. false false
-VLAN String Filters clients based on the full match for the VLAN field. false false
-recentDeviceConnections String[] Filters clients based on recent connection type. Can be one of 'Wired' or 'Wireless'. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A collection of client objects.

Get-MerakiNetworkDevices Aliases

  • GMNetDevs


Get-MerakiNetworkDevices [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id NetworkId String The Network ID. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of network devices.

Get-MerakiNetworkEvents Aliases

  • GMNetEvents


Get-MerakiNetworkEvents [-id] <String> [-ProductType] <String> [[-IncludedEventTypes] <String[]>] [[-ExcludedEventTypes] <String[]>] [[-deviceMac] <String>] [[-deviceName] <String>] [[-deviceSerial] <String>] [[-clientName] <String>] [[-clientIP] <String>] [[-clientMac] <String>] [[-smDeviceName] <String>] [[-smDeviceMac] <String>] [[-PerPage] <Int32>] [[-Pages] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-ProductType String The product type to pull events for. true false
-IncludedEventTypes String[] An array of event types to include.* false false
-ExcludedEventTypes String[] An array of event types to exclude.* false false
-deviceMac String Filter results by Mac Address false false
-deviceName String Filter results by device name. false false
-deviceSerial String Filter results by device serial number. false false
-clientName String Filter results bu client name. false false
-clientIP String Filter results by client IP. false false
-clientMac String Filter results by client MAC. false false
-smDeviceName String Filter device bu System Manager device name. false false
-smDeviceMac String Filter results by System Manager device MAC. false false
-PerPage Int32 Number of entries per page. 3-1000, default = 10. false false 0
-Pages Int32 false false 1


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of Meraki event objects.


Event types supported by this network can by retrieved by using the Get-MerakiNetworkEventTypes function.


Get content filtering network events for a network.
PS> Get-MerakiNetworks |{$_.Name -like "Dallas"} | Get-MerakiNetworkEvents -includedEventTypes 'cf_block' -ProductType appliance
Get network events for a specific client
PS> Get-MerakiNetworkEvents -clientName 'DALJohnDoe'
The maximum number of events you can retrieve per call is 1000. There are many events and 1000 events may only span a time period of a few minutes. 
To retrieve more events you can use subsequent function calls with the paging parameters.
In the following command we retrieve the the content filtering events for the Dallas network for the month of June.
PS> Get-MerakiNetworks |{$_.Name -like "Dallas"} | Get-MerakiNetworkEvents -includedEventTypes 'cf_block' -ProductType appliance -startingAfter "06/01/2020" -endingBefore "06/30/2020" -pageSize 50
This call will retrieve the first 50 events that meet the time span specified. 
There are significantly more events that meet this criteria. 
To retrieve the next page of events reissue the call and append the -next paging parameter.
PS>Get-MerakiNetworks |{$_.Name -like "Dallas"} | Get-MerakiNetworkEvents -includedEventTypes 'cf_block' -ProductType appliance -startingAfter "06/01/2020" -endingBefore "06/30/2020" -pageSize 50 -next

Top of page

Get-MerakiNetworkEventTypes Aliases

  • GMNetET


Get-MerakiNetworkEventTypes [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The network ID. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of event type objects.

Get-MerakiNetworks Aliases

  • GMNets


Get-MerakiNetworks [-ConfigTemplateId <String>] [-IsBoundToConfigTemplate] [-IncludeTemplates] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworks [-ConfigTemplateId <String>] [-IsBoundToConfigTemplate] [-IncludeTemplates] [-OrgID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworks [-ConfigTemplateId <String>] [-IsBoundToConfigTemplate] [-IncludeTemplates] [-profileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-ConfigTemplateId String Get all networks bound to this template Id. false false
-IsBoundToConfigTemplate SwitchParameter Get only networks bound to config templates. false false False
-IncludeTemplates SwitchParameter Includes a configTemplate property containing the configuration template. false false False
-OrgID String The Organization ID. false false
-profileName String The profile name to use to get networks. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of Meraki network objects.


Get-MerakiNetworkTraffic -Id <String> [-DeviceType <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkTraffic -Id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> [-DeviceType <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkTraffic -Id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> [-DeviceType <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkTraffic -Id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> [-DeviceType <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkTraffic -Id <String> -Days <Int32> [-DeviceType <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkTraffic -Id <String> -Days <Int32> [-DeviceType <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiNetworkTraffic -Id <String> -Days <Int32> [-DeviceType <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of the network to retrieve the traffic. true true (ByPropertyName)
-StartDate StartTime DateTime The beginning date/time to retrieve the data. Maximum is 30 days prior to the current date. true false
-Days Int32 Days prior to the current date to retrieve data. Cannot be more than 30 day prior to the current date. true false 0
-DeviceType String The device type to retrieve the data for. Defaults to 'combined'. When using 'combined', for each rule the data will come from the device type with the most usage. false false combined

Get-MerakiOrganization Aliases

  • GMOrg


Get-MerakiOrganization [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganization [-OrgID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganization [-profileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-OrgID String The organization ID false false
-profileName String Use the profile name to get organization. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki organization Object

Get-MerakiOrganizationAdmins Aliases

  • GMOrgAdmins


Get-MerakiOrganizationAdmins [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationAdmins [-OrgID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationAdmins [-profileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-OrgID String Optional Organization Id. false false
-profileName String Optional Profile Name. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of Meraki Admin objects.

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses Aliases

  • Get-MerakiApplianceUplinkStatuses
  • GMAppUpStat


Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses [-networkId <String>] [-serial <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses [-networkId <String>] [-serial <String>] [-OrgId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses [-networkId <String>] [-serial <String>] [-ProfileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-networkId String Filters the output by network Id. false true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) *
-serial String Filters the output by Appliance serial number. Partial serial number can be specified bu using the * wildcard. i.e. "*HG4U" false true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) *
-OrgId String false false
-ProfileName String false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of Meraki uplink objects.

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceVpnStats Aliases

  • Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceVpnStats
  • GMAVpnStats
  • GMOAVpnStats


Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceVpnStats -id <String> [-perPage <Int32>] [-TimeSpan <Int32>] [-Summarize] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceVpnStats -id <String> [-perPage <Int32>] [-TimeSpan <Int32>] [-Summarize] [-OrgId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceVpnStats -id <String> [-perPage <Int32>] [-TimeSpan <Int32>] [-Summarize] [-ProfileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The Network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-perPage Int32 The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 300. Default is 300. false false 100
-TimeSpan Int32 Number of seconds to return data for. default = 5. false false 5
-Summarize SwitchParameter Summarize the statistics,
AN array op VPN peer objects or a summary object.
false false False
-OrgId String Optional Organization Id. false false
-ProfileName String Optional Profile Name false false


Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceVpnStatuses [-id <String>] [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceVpnStatuses [-id <String>] [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-OrgId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationApplianceVpnStatuses [-id <String>] [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-ProfileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id NetworkId String The network ID to get VPN status for. false true (ByPropertyName)
-PerPage Int32 The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 300. Default is 300. false false 0
-Pages Int32 The number of pages to return. Default is 1, 0 = return all pages. false false 1
-OrgId String The organization to use. false false
-ProfileName String The named profile to use. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of VPN statuses.

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigTemplate Aliases

  • GMOrgTemplates


Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigTemplate [-Id <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigTemplate [-Id <String>] [-OrgID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigTemplate [-Id <String>] [-profileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id TemplateId String The ID of the template to retrieve. false true (ByPropertyName)
-OrgID String Optional Organization ID. false false
-profileName String Optional Profile Name false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A configuration template object.


Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigTemplates [-profileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigTemplates [-OrgID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-OrgID String The Organization Id. If omitted uses the default profile. false false
-profileName String The profile name to use to get the templates. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of Meraki configuration template objects.

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigurationChanges Aliases

  • GMOrgCC


Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigurationChanges [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-NetworkID <String>] [-AdminID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigurationChanges [-StartDate <DateTime>] -EndDate <DateTime> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-NetworkID <String>] [-AdminID <String>] -ProfileName <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigurationChanges [-StartDate <DateTime>] -EndDate <DateTime> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-NetworkID <String>] [-AdminID <String>] -OrgID <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigurationChanges [-StartDate <DateTime>] -EndDate <DateTime> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-NetworkID <String>] [-AdminID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigurationChanges -Days <Int32> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-NetworkID <String>] [-AdminID <String>] -ProfileName <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigurationChanges -Days <Int32> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-NetworkID <String>] [-AdminID <String>] -OrgID <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigurationChanges -Days <Int32> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-NetworkID <String>] [-AdminID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigurationChanges [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-NetworkID <String>] [-AdminID <String>] -OrgID <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigurationChanges [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-NetworkID <String>] [-AdminID <String>] -ProfileName <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-StartDate StartTime DateTime false false
-EndDate EndTime DateTime true false
-Days TimeSpan Int32 Number of days to pull changes true false 0
-PerPage Int32 Number of records to pull per page. false false 0
-Pages Int32 Number of pages to retrieve. 0 = all pages. Default is 1. false false 1
-NetworkID String Filter results by Network ID. false false
-AdminID String Filter results by Admin ID. false false
-OrgID String Optional Organization Id. true false
-ProfileName String Optional Profile Name true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of configuration change objects.


Filter logs for last 10 days by Administrator.
PS> Get-MerakiOrganizationAdmins | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "John Doe"} | Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigurationChanges -TimeSpan 10
Filter logs for changes to the Miami network that occurred between 6/1/2020 and 6/30/2020
Get-MerakiNetworks | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*Miami*"} | Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigurationChanges -StartTime "06/01/2020" -EndTime "06/30/2020"

Top of page


Get-MerakiOrganizationDeviceAvailability [-Filter <String>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationDeviceAvailability [-Filter <String>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-OrgId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationDeviceAvailability [-Filter <String>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-ProfileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Filter String A string representing a filter for the returned objects.
Valid filter properties are 'usedState', 'search', 'macs', 'networkIds', 'serials', 'models', 'orderNumbers', 'tags', 'tagFilterType', 'productTypes'.
All properties are arrays except 'usedState', 'search', and 'tagFilterType'.
The search property accepts a single value that will search against serial number, mac address, or model.
Valid tagFilterType values are 'withAllTags' or 'withAnyTags'.
Valid productTypes values are "appliance","camera","cellularGateway","secureConnect","sensor","switch","systemsManager",or "wireless".
false false
-Pages Int32 NUmber of pages top return. Default is all pages. false false 0
-OrgId String Organization ID to return devices for. false false
-ProfileName String Saved profile name. false false


To use the Filter property you must construct a valid filter string. A filter string is like a HTTP query string.
To specify a filter string construct it with the property name and values. 
Array property names must be appended with '[]'. Each member of the array must specify the propertyName[]=value for each member of the array.
i.e. "networkIds=N_987654159756&networkId[]=N_159456159753"
$Filter = "productTypes=appliance,switch&networkIds=N_987654159756&networkId[]=N_159456159753" Get-MerakiOrganizationDeviceAvailability -Filter $Filter

Top of page


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Filter None string false false
-OrgId None string false false
-Pages None int false false
-ProfileName None string false false

Get-MerakiOrganizationDevices Aliases

  • GMOrgDevs


Get-MerakiOrganizationDevices [-Filter <String>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationDevices [-Filter <String>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-OrgID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationDevices [-Filter <String>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-profileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Filter String A string representing a filter to be applied to the returned objects.
Valid filter properties are 'networkIds', 'productTypes', 'tags', 'tagFilterType', 'name', 'mac', 'serial', 'model', 'macs', 'serials',
'sensorMetrics', 'sensorAlertProfilesIds', 'models'.
productTypes, tags, macs, serials, sensorMetrics, sensorAlertProfileIds, and models are arrays.
See examples for constructing a filter string.
false false
-Pages Int32 The number of pages to return. Default is all pages. false false 0
-OrgID String Optional Organization Id.. false false
-profileName String Optional Profile name. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • AN array of Meraki Device objects.


To construct a valid filter specify the properties and valued separated by an '='. Each property/value set must be separated by an '&'.
Array property names must be appended with '[]'. each member of the array must specify the propertyName[]=value for each member of the array.
i.e. "networkIds=N_987654159756&networkId[]=N_159456159753"
$Filter = "productTypes=appliance,switch&networkIds=N_987654159756&networkId[]=N_159456159753" Get-MerakiOrganizationDevices -Filter $Filter

Top of page


Get-MerakiOrganizationDeviceStatus [-Filter <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationDeviceStatus [-Filter <String>] [-OrgId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationDeviceStatus [-Filter <String>] [-ProfileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Filter String A string representing a filter for the returned objects.
Valid filter properties are 'usedState', 'search', 'macs', 'networkIds', 'serials', 'models', 'orderNumbers', 'tags', 'tagFilterType', 'productTypes'.
All properties are arrays except 'usedState', 'search', and 'tagFilterType'.
The search property accepts a single value that will search against serial number, mac address, or model.
Valid tagFilterType values are 'withAllTags' or 'withAnyTags'.
Valid productTypes values are "appliance","camera","cellularGateway","secureConnect","sensor","switch","systemsManager",or "wireless".
false false
-OrgId String The organization Id to use. false false
-ProfileName String The named profile to use. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of device status objects


To use the Filter property you must construct a valid filter string. A filter string is like a HTTP query string.
To specify a filter string construct it with the property name and values. 
Array values must constructed ny specifying the propertyName[]=value for each member of the array. 
i.e. "networkIds[]=N_987548754&networkIds[]=N_87589514"
Property Names and values are case sensitive.
$Filter = "productTypes[]=appliance,switch&networkIds[]=N_987548754&networkIds[]=N_87589514" Get-MerakiOrganizationDeviceStatus -Filter $Filter

Top of page

Get-MerakiOrganizationFirmwareUpgrades Aliases

  • GMOFirmwareUpgrades


Get-MerakiOrganizationFirmwareUpgrades [-IncludePending] [-includeStarted] [-IncludeCompleted] [-IncludeCanceled] [-IncludeSkipped] [-IncludeAppliances] [-IncludeCameras] [-IncludeCellularGateways] [-IncludeSensors] [-IncludeSwitches] [-IncludeSystemsManagers] [-IncludeWireless] [-PerPage <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationFirmwareUpgrades [-IncludePending] [-includeStarted] [-IncludeCompleted] [-IncludeCanceled] [-IncludeSkipped] [-IncludeAppliances] [-IncludeCameras] [-IncludeCellularGateways] [-IncludeSensors] [-IncludeSwitches] [-IncludeSystemsManagers] [-IncludeWireless] [-PerPage <Int32>] [-OrgId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationFirmwareUpgrades [-IncludePending] [-includeStarted] [-IncludeCompleted] [-IncludeCanceled] [-IncludeSkipped] [-IncludeAppliances] [-IncludeCameras] [-IncludeCellularGateways] [-IncludeSensors] [-IncludeSwitches] [-IncludeSystemsManagers] [-IncludeWireless] [-PerPage <Int32>] [-ProfileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-IncludePending SwitchParameter false false False
-includeStarted SwitchParameter false false False
-IncludeCompleted SwitchParameter false false False
-IncludeCanceled SwitchParameter false false False
-IncludeSkipped SwitchParameter false false False
-IncludeAppliances SwitchParameter false false False
-IncludeCameras SwitchParameter false false False
-IncludeCellularGateways SwitchParameter false false False
-IncludeSensors SwitchParameter false false False
-IncludeSwitches SwitchParameter false false False
-IncludeSystemsManagers SwitchParameter false false False
-IncludeWireless SwitchParameter false false False
-PerPage Int32 false false 0
-OrgId String The Organization Id. If omitted the retrieved from the default profile. false false
-ProfileName String The profile to retrieve the the Organization ID from. false false


Get-MerakiOrganizationFirmwareUpgradesByDevice [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationFirmwareUpgradesByDevice [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-OrgId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationFirmwareUpgradesByDevice [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-ProfileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-PerPage Int32 Number of entries per page. false false 0
-Pages Int32 Number of pages to return. Default is all. false false 1
-OrgId String Optional organization Id false false
-ProfileName String Optional profile name. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of firmware upgrade objects.


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-OrgID None string false false
-Serial None string true false
-profileName None string false false

Get-MerakiOrganizationInventoryDevices Aliases

  • GMOrgInvDevices


Get-MerakiOrganizationInventoryDevices [-Filter <String>] [-Pages <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationInventoryDevices [-Filter <String>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-OrgID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationInventoryDevices [-Filter <String>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-profileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Filter String A string representing a filter for the returned objects.
Valid filter properties are 'usedState', 'search', 'macs', 'networkIds', 'serials', 'models', 'orderNumbers', 'tags', 'tagFilterType', 'productTypes'.
All properties are arrays except 'usedState', 'search', and 'tagFilterType'.
The search property accepts a single value that will search against serial number, mac address, or model.
Valid tagFilterType values are 'withAllTags' or 'withAnyTags'.
Valid productTypes values are "appliance","camera","cellularGateway","secureConnect","sensor","switch","systemsManager",or "wireless".
Valid usedState values are 'unused', 'used'.
false false
-Pages Int32 false false 0
-OrgID String Organization ID. If omitted used th default profile. false false
-profileName String Profile name to use. If omitted used th default profile. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of inventory objects.


To construct a valid filter specify the properties and valued separated by an '='. Each property/value set must be separated by an '&'.
Array property names must be appended with '[]'. 
Each member of the array must specify the propertyName[]=value for each member of the array.
i.e. "networkIds=N_987654159756&networkId[]=N_159456159753"
$Filter = "productTypes=appliance,switch&networkIds=N_987654159756&networkId[]=N_159456159753" Get-MerakiOrganizationInventoryDevices -Filter $Filter

Top of page

Get-MerakiOrganizations Aliases

  • GMOrgs


Get-MerakiOrganizations [[-APIKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-APIKey String Meraki API Key. false false

Get-MerakiOrganizationSecurityEvents Aliases

  • GMNetSecEvents


Get-MerakiOrganizationSecurityEvents [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-Descending] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationSecurityEvents -StartDate <DateTime> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-Descending] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationSecurityEvents -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-Descending] -OrgId <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationSecurityEvents -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-Descending] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationSecurityEvents -EndDate <DateTime> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-Descending] -ProfileName <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationSecurityEvents -Days <Int32> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-Descending] -ProfileName <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationSecurityEvents -Days <Int32> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-Descending] -OrgId <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationSecurityEvents -Days <Int32> [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-Descending] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationSecurityEvents [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-Descending] -OrgId <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationSecurityEvents [-PerPage <Int32>] [-Pages <Int32>] [-Descending] -ProfileName <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-StartDate DateTime The starting date to retrieve data. Cannot be more than 365 days prior to today. true false
-EndDate DateTime The ending date to retrieve data. cannot be more than 365 days after StartDate. true false
-Days Int32 The number if days back from today to retrieve data, Cannot be more than 365. true false 0
-PerPage Int32 Number of entries per page to retrieve. Acceptable range is 3-1000. Default is 100. NOTE: Paging is not implemented. false false 0
-Pages Int32 false false 0
-Descending SwitchParameter false false False
-OrgId String The Organization ID. If omitted and a profile is not specified the default organization is used. Cannot be used with the profile parameter. true false
-ProfileName String Retrieve the Organization Id from the named profile. Cannot be used with the OrgId parameter true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A collection of security event objects.

Get-MerakiOrganizationThirdPartyVpnPeers Aliases

  • GMOrg3pVP


Get-MerakiOrganizationThirdPartyVpnPeers [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationThirdPartyVpnPeers [-OrgID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiOrganizationThirdPartyVpnPeers [-profileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-OrgID String Optional Organization Id false false
-profileName String Optional Profile name false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of VPN-peer objects.

Get-MerakiSSID Aliases



Get-MerakiSSID [-Id] <String> [[-Number] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String true true (ByPropertyName)
-Number Int32 The SSID Number. false false 0


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki SSID Object.

Get-MerakiSwitchAccessControlList Aliases



Get-MerakiSwitchAccessControlList [-Id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Network ID true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of ACL objects.


Get-MerakiSwitchAccessPolicy [-Id] <String> [[-AccessPolicyNumber] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String true true (ByPropertyName)
-AccessPolicyNumber String The access policy number to return false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An object containing the access policy

Get-MerakiSwitchLAG Aliases

  • Get-MerakiNetworkSwitchLAG
  • GMNetSWLag


Get-MerakiSwitchLAG [-id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The network Id. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of switch lag objects. The Lag object refactored into a single level object with the following properties: LagID: The id og the LAG Switch: Switch name. Serial: Switch serial. PortId: POrt Id (number) PortName: Port name or description if configured.

Get-MerakiSwitchPort Aliases

  • Get-MerakiDeviceSwitchPort
  • Get-MerakiSwitchPorts
  • GMDevSwPort
  • GMSwPort
  • GMSwPorts


Get-MerakiSwitchPort [-Serial] <String> [[-PortId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String The switch serial number. true true (ByPropertyName)
-PortId String The port Id. If Omitted all ports are returned false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki switch port object or array of switch port objects.


Get-MerakiSwitchPortSchedules [-Id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String Network ID to retrieve port schedules true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A port schedules object

Get-MerakiSwitchPortsPacketCounters Aliases

  • GMSWPortsPacketCntrs


Get-MerakiSwitchPortsPacketCounters [-serial] <String> [[-Hours] <Decimal>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-serial String Serial number of the switch. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Hours Decimal The number of hours to return the data. The default is 24 hours (1 day). Can be entered as a decimal number. For the last 30 minutes enter .5. false false 0


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A collection if packet counter objects.

Get-MerakiSwitchPortsStatus Aliases

  • GMSWPortStatus


Get-MerakiSwitchPortsStatus [-serial] <String> [[-StartDate] <DateTime>] [[-Days] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-serial String Serial Number of the switch. true true (ByPropertyName)
-StartDate DateTime The Starting date to retrieve data. Cannot be more than 31 days prior to today. false false
-Days Int32 Number of days back from today to retrieve data. Cannot be more than 31 days. false false 0


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A collection if port status objects.


Get-MerakiSwitchQosRule [-Id] <String> [[-QosRuleId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String Network ID to retrieve the rules from. true true (ByPropertyName)
-QosRuleId String ID of the QOS rule to retrieve. If omitted all rules are returned false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A QOS rule object.


Get-MerakiSwitchQosRulesOrder [-NetworkId] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Network Id true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An object containing an array of QOS rule IDs in order of processing

Get-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterface Aliases

  • Get-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterfaces
  • GMSWRoutInt
  • GMSWRoutInts


Get-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterface [-serial] <String> [[-interfaceId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-serial String The serial number of the switch. true true (ByPropertyName)
-interfaceId String The interface Id. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki switch interface object.

Get-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterfaceDHCP Aliases



Get-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterfaceDHCP [-serial] <String> [-interfaceId] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-serial String The serial number of the switch. true true (ByPropertyName)
-interfaceId String The interface Id. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki switch interface DHCP Settings.


Get-MerakiSwitchRoutingMulticast [-Id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String Network ID of the network to retrieve the settings. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A multicast settings object


Get-MerakiSwitchRoutingOspf [-Id] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of the network true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An object containing the OSPF settings


Get-MerakiSwitchRoutingStaticRoute [-Serial] <String> [[-StaticRouteId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String The serial number of the switch. true true (ByPropertyName)
-StaticRouteId String The ID of the Static Route. If omitted return all static routes. false true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Static route object

Get-MerakiSwitchStack Aliases

  • Get-MerakiNetworkSwitchStack
  • Get-MerakiNetworkSwitchStacks
  • GMSwStack


Get-MerakiSwitchStack [-Id] <String> [[-StackId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String true true (ByPropertyName)
-StackId String The stack Id. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki switch stack object.

Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterface Aliases

  • Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterfaces
  • GMNetSWStRoutInts
  • GMSWStackRoutInt


Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterface [-NetworkId] <String> [-Id] <String> [[-interfaceId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The network Id. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Id StackId String true true (ByPropertyName)
-interfaceId String The interface Id. If Omitted return all interfaces. false true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki interface object.

Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterfaceDHCP Aliases

  • Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterfacesDHCP
  • GMSwStRoutIntDHCP


Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterfaceDHCP [-interfaceId] <String> [-networkId] <String> [-stackId] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-interfaceId String The interface Id. true true (ByPropertyName)
-networkId String The network Id true true (ByPropertyName)
-stackId String The Stack Id. true true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki interface DHCP object.

Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoute Aliases

  • Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoutes


Get-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoute [-NetworkId] <String> [-StackId] <String> [[-StaticRouteId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-StackId Id String The Id of the switch stack. true true (ByPropertyName)
-StaticRouteId String The id of the static route. If Omitted returns all static routes. false true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A static route object.


Get-MerakiWirelessAirMarshal [-Id] <String> [[-Days] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id String The Id of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Days Int32 Number of days prior to today to return data. false false 0


Get-MerakiWirelessDataRateHistory -Id <String> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [-ExcludeNoData] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessDataRateHistory -Id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [-ExcludeNoData] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessDataRateHistory -Id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [-ExcludeNoData] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessDataRateHistory -Id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [-ExcludeNoData] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessDataRateHistory -Id <String> -EndDate <DateTime> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [-ExcludeNoData] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessDataRateHistory -Id <String> -Days <Int32> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [-ExcludeNoData] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessDataRateHistory -Id <String> -Days <Int32> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [-ExcludeNoData] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessDataRateHistory -Id <String> -Days <Int32> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [-ExcludeNoData] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-StartDate DateTime The starting date to query data. Max 32 days prior to today. true false
-EndDate DateTime The ending date to return data. can be a maximum of 31 days after StartDate. true false
-Days Int32 NUmber of days prior to today to return data. Max 31 days prior to today. true false 0
-Resolution Int32 The time resolution in seconds for returned data. The valid resolutions are: 300, 600, 1200, 3600, 14400, 86400. The default is 86400. false false 0
-AutoResolution SwitchParameter Automatically select a data resolution based on the given timespan; this overrides the value specified by the 'resolution' parameter. The default setting is false. false false False
-ClientId String Filter results by network client. false false
-Serial DeviceSerial String Filter results by device. false false
-APTag String Filter results by AP tag. false false
-Band String Filter results by band (either '2.4', '5' or '6'). false false
-SsidNumber Int32 Filter results by SSID number. false false 0
-ExcludeNoData SwitchParameter Exclude items that have no data. false false False

Get-MerakiWirelessStatus Aliases

  • GMWirelessStat


Get-MerakiWirelessStatus [-serial] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-serial String The serial number of the Access Point. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki Access Point status object.


Get-MerakiWirelessUsageHistory -Id <String> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessUsageHistory -Id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessUsageHistory -Id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessUsageHistory -Id <String> -StartDate <DateTime> -EndDate <DateTime> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessUsageHistory -Id <String> -EndDate <DateTime> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessUsageHistory -Id <String> -Days <Int32> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessUsageHistory -Id <String> -Days <Int32> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-MerakiWirelessUsageHistory -Id <String> -Days <Int32> [-Resolution <Int32>] [-AutoResolution] [-ClientId <String>] [-Serial <String>] [-APTag <String>] [-Band <String>] [-SsidNumber <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-StartDate DateTime The starting date to query data. Max 32 days prior to today. true false
-EndDate DateTime The ending date to return data. can be a maximum of 31 days after StartDate. true false
-Days Int32 NUmber of days prior to today to return data. Max 31 days prior to today. true false 0
-Resolution Int32 The time resolution in seconds for returned data. The valid resolutions are: 300, 600, 1200, 3600, 14400, 86400. The default is 86400. false false 0
-AutoResolution SwitchParameter Automatically select a data resolution based on the given timespan; this overrides the value specified by the 'Resolution' parameter. The default setting is false. false false False
-ClientId String Filter results by network client to return per-device AP usage over time inner joined by the queried client's connection history. false true (ByPropertyName)
-Serial DeviceSerial String Filter results by device. Requires the Band parameter. false true (ByPropertyName)
-APTag String Filter results by AP tag; either :clientId or :deviceSerial must be jointly specified. false false
-Band String Filter results by band (either '2.4', '5' or '6'). false false
-SsidNumber Int32 Filter results by SSID number. false false 0


Merge-MerakiOrganizationNetworks -Name <String> -Id <String> [-EnrollmentString <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

Merge-MerakiOrganizationNetworks -Name <String> -Id <String> [-EnrollmentString <String>] [-OrgId <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

Merge-MerakiOrganizationNetworks -Name <String> -Id <String> [-EnrollmentString <String>] [-ProfileName <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Name String The name of the combined network. true false
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the networks to combine. You should pass an array of network objects to combine those networks. true true (ByPropertyName)
-EnrollmentString String A unique identifier which can be used for device enrollment or easy access through the Meraki SM Registration page or the Self Service Portal.
Please note that changing this field may cause existing bookmarks to break. All networks that are part of this combined network will have their enrollment string appended by '-network_type'.
If left empty, all existing enrollment strings will be deleted.
false false
-OrgId String Optional Organization Id false false
-ProfileName String Optional Profile name. false false
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A network object


New-MerakiOrganization [-Name] <String> [[-ManagementName] <String>] [[-ManagementValue] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Name String The name of the organization true false
-ManagementName String Name of the management system false false
-ManagementValue String Value of the management system false false


New-MerakiOrganizationThirdPartyVpnPeer -Name <String> -Secret <String> [-IkeVersion <String>] [-IpsecPoliciesPreset <String>] [-LocalId <String>] [-PublicIp <String>] -PrivateSubnets <String[]> [-RemoteId <String>] [-NetworkTags <String[]>] [-IpsecPolicies <PSObject>] [<CommonParameters>]

New-MerakiOrganizationThirdPartyVpnPeer -Name <String> -Secret <String> [-IkeVersion <String>] [-IpsecPoliciesPreset <String>] [-LocalId <String>] [-PublicIp <String>] -PrivateSubnets <String[]> [-RemoteId <String>] [-NetworkTags <String[]>] [-IpsecPolicies <PSObject>] [-OrgID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

New-MerakiOrganizationThirdPartyVpnPeer -Name <String> -Secret <String> [-IkeVersion <String>] [-IpsecPoliciesPreset <String>] [-LocalId <String>] [-PublicIp <String>] -PrivateSubnets <String[]> [-RemoteId <String>] [-NetworkTags <String[]>] [-IpsecPolicies <PSObject>] [-profileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Name String The name of the VPN peer true false
-Secret String The shared secret with the VPN peer true false
-IkeVersion String The IKE version to be used for the IPsec VPN peer configuration. Defaults to '1' when omitted. Valid values are '1', '2' false false
-IpsecPoliciesPreset String One of the following available presets: 'default', 'aws', 'azure'. If this is provided, the 'ipsecPolicies' parameter is ignored. false false
-LocalId String The local ID is used to identify the MX to the peer. This will apply to all MXs this peer applies to. false false
-PublicIp String The public IP of the VPN peer. false false
-PrivateSubnets String[] The list of the private subnets of the VPN peer true false
-RemoteId String The remote ID is used to identify the connecting VPN peer. This can either be a valid IPv4 Address, FQDN or User FQDN. false false
-NetworkTags String[] A list of network tags that will connect with this peer. Use ['all'] for all networks. Use ['none'] for no networks. If not included, the default is ['all']. false false all
-IpsecPolicies PSObject Custom IPSec policies for the VPN peer. If not included and a preset has not been chosen, the default preset for IPSec policies will be used.
This is ab object with the following properties:
childLifetime: integer The lifetime of the Phase 2 SA in seconds.
ikeLifetime: integer The lifetime of the Phase 1 SA in seconds.
childAuthAlgo: array[] This is the authentication algorithms to be used in Phase 2. The value should be an array with one of the following algorithms: 'sha256', 'sha1', 'md5'
childCipherAlgo: array[] This is the cipher algorithms to be used in Phase 2. The value should be an array with one or more of the following algorithms: 'aes256', 'aes192', 'aes128', 'tripledes', 'des', 'null'
childPfsGroup: array[] This is the Diffie-Hellman group to be used for Perfect Forward Secrecy in Phase 2. The value should be an array with one of the following values: 'disabled','group14', 'group5', 'group2', 'group1'
ikeAuthAlgo: array[] This is the authentication algorithm to be used in Phase 1. The value should be an array with one of the following algorithms: 'sha256', 'sha1', 'md5'
ikeCipherAlgo: array[] This is the cipher algorithm to be used in Phase 1. The value should be an array with one of the following algorithms: 'aes256', 'aes192', 'aes128', 'tripledes', 'des'
ikeDiffieHellmanGroup: array[] This is the Diffie-Hellman group to be used in Phase 1. The value should be an array with one of the following algorithms: 'group14', 'group5', 'group2', 'group1'
ikePrfAlgo: array[] [optional] This is the pseudo-random function to be used in IKE_SA. The value should be an array with one of the following algorithms: 'prfsha256', 'prfsha1', 'prfmd5', 'default'. The 'default' option can be used to default to the Authentication algorithm.
false false
-OrgID String Optional Organization Id. false false
-profileName String Optional Profile name. false false


New-MerakiSecretsVault [[-Authentication] <String>] [[-Interaction] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Authentication String Specifies how to authenticate access to the SecretStore. The value must be Password or None.
If specified as None, the cmdlet enables access to the SecretStore without a password. The default authentication is Password.
false false
-Interaction String Specifies whether the SecretStore should prompt a user when they access it. If the value is Prompt, the user is prompted for their
password in interactive sessions when required. If the value is None, the user is not prompted for a password. If the value is None
and a password is required, the cmdlet requiring the password throws a error.
false false


Setting Authentication to 'none' is less secure than 'password'. Specifying 'none' may be useful for automated tasks where prompting
for password is not practical. Authentication should always be set to 'password' for interactive sessions.
If you set a password, you should set -Interaction to 'Prompt' otherwise an error will occur.

Secret Store only uses the local user scope. Registering Secret Store multiple times only results in duplication of the same store,
This module does not support vaults registered with a different module.
Secrets will ALWAYS be stored in the default vault!




New-MerakiSwitchStack [-NetworkId] <String> [-Name] <String> [-Serials] <String[]> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network to create the stack in true false
-Name String The name of the stack true false
-Serials String[] an array of switch serial numbers to add to the stack. true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An object containing the newly created stack


Remove-MerakiApplianceCellularFirewallRule [-NetworkId] <String> [-RuleNumber] <Int32> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The ID of the network to remove the rule. true false
-RuleNumber Int32 true false 0
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


Remove-MerakiApplianceContentFilteringRules [-id] <String> [[-allowedURLPatterns] <String[]>] [[-blockedURLPatterns] <String[]>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id NetworkId String The Network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-allowedURLPatterns String[] Allowed URL patterns to remove. false false
-blockedURLPatterns String[] Blocked URL patterns to remove. false false
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • The updated content filtering rules.


Remove sites from the allowed and blocked URL patterns.
PS> $Network | Remove-MerakiNetworkApplianceContentFilteringRule -allowedUrlPatterns "" -blockedUrlPatterns ""

Top of page


Remove-MerakiApplianceDelegatedStaticPrefix [-NetworkId] <String> [-PrefixId] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The ID of te network true false
-PrefixId String The Prefix Id true false
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • HTTP response, response status 204 = success.


Remove-MerakiApplianceFirewallNatRule [-NetworkId] <String> [-Type] <String> [-RuleNumber] <Int32> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network. true false
-Type String true false
-RuleNumber Int32 The rule number to delete true false 0
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


Remove-MerakiApplianceInboundCellularFirewallRule [-NetworkId] <String> [-RuleNumber] <Int32> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network. true false
-RuleNumber Int32 The rule number to be removed. true false 0
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


Remove-MerakiApplianceInboundFirewallRule [-NetworkId] <String> [-RuleNumber] <Int32> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The ID of the network. true false
-RuleNumber Int32 The rule number to remove. true false 0
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


Remove-MerakiApplianceL3FirewallRule [-NetworkId] <String> [-RuleId] <String> [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network. true false
-RuleId String The Rule Id to be deleted. true false
-PassThru SwitchParameter return the updated rules. false false False
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


Remove-MerakiApplianceL7FirewallRule [-NetworkId] <String> [-RuleNumber] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String true false
-RuleNumber String The rule number to update. true false
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of Level 7 Firewall Rules


Remove-MerakiApplianceVlan [-NetworkId] <String> [-VlanId] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network true false
-VlanId String The VLAN ID to remove true false
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


Remove-MerakiNetwork [-Id] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Network ID of the network to be deleted. true true (ByPropertyName)
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Confirm cf switch false false
-Id NetworkId string true true (ByPropertyName)
-Serial None string true true (ByPropertyName)
-WhatIf wi switch false false


Remove-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterface [-Serial] <String> [-InterfaceId] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String Serial number of the switch true false
-InterfaceId String Id of the interface. true false
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An HTML status code. Code 204 = success.


Remove-MerakiSwitchStack [-NetworkId] <String> [-SwitchStackId] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The network ID. true false
-SwitchStackId String The switch stack Id. true false
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • AN HTML response code. REsponse code of 204 = success

Remove-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterface Aliases

  • RemoveMSStackRouteInt


Remove-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterface [-NetworkId] <String> [-StackId] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String Network ID of the network containing the switch stack true false
-StackId String The stack ID of the stack to be removed. true false
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • Returns HTML status code. Code 204 - Successful.

Remove-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoute Aliases

  • RSWStkRteInt


Remove-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoute [-NetworkId] <String> [-StackId] <String> [-StaticRouteId] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String Network ID of te network containing the switch true false
-StackId String Stack ID to remove the route from. true false
-StaticRouteId String Static Route ID to remove. true false
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • Return HTML status code. 204 = Successful.


Remove-MerakiSwitchStackSwitch [-NetworkId] <String> [-SwitchStackId] <String> [-Serial] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The id o ftghe network true false
-SwitchStackId String The ID of the switch stack true false
-Serial String The serial number of the switch to remove. true false
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An object containing the modified stack


Remove-MerakiSwitchStaticRoute [-Serial] <String> [-StaticRouteId] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String The serial number of the switch true false
-StaticRouteId String The ID of the static Route true false
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An html status code. Code 204 = success

Reset-MerakiSwitchPorts Aliases

  • RMSWPorts


Reset-MerakiSwitchPorts [-serial] <String> [-ports] <String[]> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-serial String The switch serial number. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-ports String[] An array of port Ids. true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of ports that were reset.

Restart-MerakiDevice Aliases

  • RestartMD


Restart-MerakiDevice [-serial] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-serial String The serial number of the device. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-WhatIf wi SwitchParameter false false
-Confirm cf SwitchParameter false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • True if successful, false if failed.


Set-MerakiAPI [[-APIKey] <String>] [[-OrgID] <String>] [[-ProfileName] <String>] [-SecureKey] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-APIKey String Your Meraki API key. If a configuration file exists and this key does not match the key in the file a
new file will be created overwriting the existing file.
false false
-OrgID String The ID of an organization to add to the profile. false false
-ProfileName String The name of the profile to create. If omitted the OrgID is set as the default profile. false false
-SecureKey SwitchParameter Save the API key to the a secret Vault.
If this parameter is provided alone, your existing API key will be stored in the secret vault and the configuration changed
to support the secure key. The config.json file will no longer contain your key in clear text.
If you do not have a secrets vault registered you must register on using the New-MerakiSecretsVault function.
If your Secrets Management configuration requires a password you will only eed to enter the password when issuing the first command.
The vault will remain unlocked for the remainder of the PowerShell session.
false false False


If the OrgID and profileName parameters are omitted named profiles will be created based on the Organization names pulled from Meraki.
This approach may not be the best as most of the time these names will have multiple words and spaces and just be too long.


Create the default profile
PS> Set-MerakiAPI -APIKey 'EXAMPLEGDTE63534HD74BD93847' -OrgId 123456
Create a Named Profile.
Set-MerakiAPI -OrgId 987458 -ProfileName USNetwork
Create a secure key profile.
Set-MerakiAPI -APIKey 'EXAMPLE88fhjryh4666drfe9207' -OrgId 123456 -SecureKey
Convert your existing configuration to use the Secure Key Store.
Set-MerakiAPI -SecureKey

Top of page


Set-MerakiApplianceCellularFirewallRule [-Id] <String> [-RuleNumber] <Int32> [[-Policy] <String>] [[-Protocol] <String>] [[-SourcePort] <String>] [[-SourceCidr] <String>] [[-DestinationCidr] <String>] [[-DestinationPort] <String>] [-SyslogEnabled] [[-Comment] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true false
-RuleNumber Int32 The RuleNumber to update. true false 0
-Policy String 'allow' or 'deny' traffic specified by this rule false false
-Protocol String The type of protocol (must be 'tcp', 'udp', 'icmp', 'icmp6' or 'any') false false
-SourcePort srcPort String Comma-separated list of source port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any' false false
-SourceCidr srcCidr String Comma-separated list of source IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), or 'any' (note: FQDN not supported for source addresses) false false
-DestinationCidr DestCidr String Comma-separated list of destination IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) or 'any' false false
-DestinationPort destPort String Comma-separated list of destination port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any' false false
-SyslogEnabled SwitchParameter Log this rule to syslog (true or false, boolean value) - only applicable if a syslog has been configured (optional) false false False
-Comment String Description of the rule (optional) false false


Set-MerakiApplianceCellularFirewallRules [-Id] <String> [-Rules] <PSObject[]> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The network ID to update the rules on. true false
-Rules PSObject[] An array of objects containing the following properties.
comment: string Description of the rule (optional)
destCidr*: string Comma-separated list of destination IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) or 'any'
destPort: string Comma-separated list of destination port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any'
policy*: string 'allow' or 'deny' traffic specified by this rule
protocol*: string The type of protocol (must be 'tcp', 'udp', 'icmp', 'icmp6' or 'any')
srcCidr*: string Comma-separated list of source IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), or 'any' (note: FQDN not supported for source addresses)
srcPort: string Comma-separated list of source port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any'
syslogEnabled: boolean Log this rule to syslog (true or false, boolean value) - only applicable if a syslog has been configured (optional)
true false


The Rules returned from Get-MerakiApplianceCellularFirewallRules contain the properties RuleNumber, NetworkId, and NetworkName.
These properties are removed by this function before being sent to the API endpoint.
If you create the rules array manually you do not need to include these properties.
Changes to these rules should be done with the associated Add-, Set-, and Remove- functions.


Set-MerakiApplianceDelegatedStaticPrefix [-Id] <String> [-PrefixId] <String> [[-Description] <String>] [[-Prefix] <String>] [[-Type] <String>] [[-Interfaces] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-PrefixId String The Prefix Id. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Description String false false
-Prefix String A static IPv6 prefix false false
-Type String Type of the origin. Valid values are 'independent', 'internet' false false
-Interfaces String[] An array of interfaces associated with the prefix. i.e. 'wan1' false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A delegated static prefix object.


Set-MerakiApplianceFirewallNatRule [-Id] <String> [-RuleNumber] <Int32> [-Type] <String> [[-PublicIp] <String>] [-Uplink] <String> [-PortRules] <PSObject[]> [[-LanIp] <String>] [[-Name] <String>] [[-AllowedInbound] <PSObject>] [[-Protocol] <String>] [[-PublicPort] <String>] [[-LocalPort] <String>] [[-AllowedIps] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of tye network. true false
-RuleNumber Int32 The rule number oto be updated. true false 0
-Type String The type of rule, can be one of: 'OneToMany','OneToOne',or 'PortForwarding' true false
-PublicIp String The IP address that will be used to access the internal resource from the WAN.
This parameter is only valid for for OneToMany and OneToOne rules.
false false
-Uplink String The physical WAN interface on which the traffic will arrive ('internet1' or, if available, 'internet2') true false
-PortRules PSObject[] An array of associated forwarding rules with the following properties:
localIp: string Local IP address to which traffic will be forwarded
localPort: string Destination port of the forwarded traffic that will be sent from the MX to the specified host on the LAN. If you simply wish to forward the traffic without translating the port, this should be the same as the Public port
name: string A description of the rule
protocol: string 'tcp' or 'udp'
publicPort: string Destination port of the traffic that is arriving on the WAN
allowedIps: array[] Remote IP addresses or ranges that are permitted to access the internal resource via this port forwarding rule, or 'any'

This property can be either a PsObject or a HashTable
This property is only valid for OneToMany rules.
true false
-LanIp String The IP address of the server or device that hosts the internal resource that you wish to make available on the WAN
This parameter is only valid for OneToOne or PortForwarding rules.
false false
-Name String A descriptive name for the rule.
This parameter is only valid for OneToOne or PortForwarding rules.
false false
-AllowedInbound PSObject The ports this mapping will provide access on, and the remote IPs that will be allowed access to the resource
The parameter is only valid for OneToMany rules.
false false
-Protocol String TCP or UDP. Valid values are 'tcp', 'udp'
The parameter is only valid for PortForwarding rules.
false false
-PublicPort String A port or port ranges that will be forwarded to the host on the LAN.
The parameter is only valid for PortForwarding rules.
false false
-LocalPort String A port or port ranges that will receive the forwarded traffic from the WAN
The parameter is only valid for PortForwarding rules.
false false
-AllowedIps String[] An array of ranges of WAN IP addresses that are allowed to make inbound connections on the specified ports or port ranges (or any)
The parameter is only valid for PortForwarding rules.
false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of One top Many Firewall NAT rules


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId string true true (ByPropertyName)
-Rules None psobject true false
-Type None string true false


Set-MerakiApplianceInboundCellularFirewallRule [-Id] <String> [-RuleNumber] <Int32> [[-Policy] <String>] [[-Protocol] <String>] [[-SourcePort] <String>] [[-SourceCidr] <String>] [[-DestinationCidr] <String>] [[-DestinationPort] <String>] [-SyslogEnabled] [[-Comment] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-RuleNumber Int32 true false 0
-Policy String 'allow' or 'deny' traffic specified by this rule false false
-Protocol String The type of protocol (must be 'tcp', 'udp', 'icmp', 'icmp6' or 'any') false false
-SourcePort srcPort String Comma-separated list of source port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any' false false
-SourceCidr srcCidr String Comma-separated list of source IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), or 'any' (note: FQDN not supported for source addresses) false false
-DestinationCidr DestCidr String Comma-separated list of destination IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) or 'any' false false
-DestinationPort destPort String Comma-separated list of destination port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any' false false
-SyslogEnabled SwitchParameter Log this rule to syslog (true or false, boolean value) - only applicable if a syslog has been configured (optional) false false False
-Comment String Description of the rule (optional) false false


Set-MerakiApplianceInboundCellularFirewallRules [-Id] <String> [-Rules] <PSObject[]> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Rules PSObject[] An array of inbound cellular firewall rules that include the following properties
comment: string Description of the rule (optional)
destCidr*: string Comma-separated list of destination IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) or 'any'
destPort: string Comma-separated list of destination port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any'
policy*: string 'allow' or 'deny' traffic specified by this rule
protocol*: string The type of protocol (must be 'tcp', 'udp', 'icmp', 'icmp6' or 'any')
srcCidr*: string Comma-separated list of source IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), or 'any' (note: FQDN not supported for source addresses)
srcPort: string Comma-separated list of source port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any'
syslogEnabled: boolean Log this rule to syslog (true or false, boolean value) - only applicable if a syslog has been configured (optional)
true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of updated inbound cellular firewall rules.


The Rules returned from Get-MerakiApplianceInboundFirewallRules contain the properties RuleNumber, NetworkId, and NetworkName.
These properties are removed by this function before being sent to the API endpoint.
If you create the rules array manually you do not need to include these properties.
Changes to these rules should be done with the associated Add-, Set-, and Remove- functions.


Set-MerakiApplianceInboundFirewallRule [-Id] <String> [-RuleNumber] <Int32> [[-Policy] <String>] [[-Protocol] <String>] [[-SourcePort] <String>] [[-SourceCidr] <String>] [[-DestinationCidr] <String>] [[-DestinationPort] <String>] [-SyslogEnabled] [[-Comment] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-RuleNumber Int32 The RuleNumber to update. true false 0
-Policy String 'allow' or 'deny' traffic specified by this rule false false
-Protocol String The type of protocol (must be 'tcp', 'udp', 'icmp', 'icmp6' or 'any') false false
-SourcePort srcPort String Comma-separated list of source port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any' false false
-SourceCidr srcCidr String Comma-separated list of source IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), or 'any' (note: FQDN not supported for source addresses) false false
-DestinationCidr DestCidr String Comma-separated list of destination IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) or 'any' false false
-DestinationPort destPort String Comma-separated list of destination port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any' false false
-SyslogEnabled SwitchParameter Log this rule to syslog (true or false, boolean value) - only applicable if a syslog has been configured (optional) false false False
-Comment String Description of the rule (optional) false false


Set-MerakiApplianceInboundFirewallRules [-Id] <String> [-Rules] <PSObject[]> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The Id of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Rules PSObject[] An array of inbound firewall rules objects. true false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of updated inbound firewall rules.


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Comment None string false false
-DestinationCIDR None string false false
-DestinationPort None string false false
-NetworkId None string true false
-Policy None string false false
-Protocol None string false false
-RuleNumber None int false false
-SourceCIDR None string false false
-SourcePort None string false false
-SyslogEnabled None switch false false


Set-MerakiApplianceL3FirewallRules [-Id] <String> [-Rules] <PSObject[]> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Rules PSObject[] An array of firewall rules objects. true false


Set-MerakiApplianceL7FirewallRule [-Id] <String> [-RuleNumber] <Int32> [[-Type] <String>] [[-Value] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-RuleNumber Int32 The rule number to update. true true (ByPropertyName) 0
-Type String Type of the L7 rule. One of: 'application', 'applicationCategory', 'host', 'port', 'ipRange' false true (ByPropertyName)
-Value String The 'value' of what you want to block. Format of 'value' varies depending on type of the rule.
The application categories and application ids can be retrieved from the the
'Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceApplicationCategories' endpoint. The countries follow the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format
false true (ByPropertyName)


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An array of Level 7 Firewall Rules


Set-MerakiApplianceL7FirewallRules [-Id] <String> [[-Rules] <PSObject[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Id NetworkId String The ID of the network. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Rules PSObject[] An array of level 7 firewall rules. false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • AN array of updated level 7 firewall rules.


Set-MerakiAppliancePort [-NetworkId] <String> [-Number] <String> [[-VlanId] <Int32>] [-Type] <String> [[-AccessPolicy] <String>] [[-AllowedVLANS] <String>] [-DropUntaggedTraffic] [-Enabled] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId Id String The Id of the network true true (ByPropertyName)
-Number String The port number to be updated. true true (ByPropertyName)
-VlanId Int32 Native VLAN when the port is in Trunk mode. Access VLAN when the port is in Access mode. false false 0
-Type String The type of the port: 'access' or 'trunk'. true false
-AccessPolicy String The name of the policy. Only applicable to Access ports. Valid values are: 'open', '8021x-radius', 'mac-radius', 'hybris-radius' for MX64 or Z3 or any MX supporting the per port authentication feature. Otherwise, 'open' is the only valid value and 'open' is the default value if the field is missing. false false
-AllowedVLANS String Comma-delimited list of the VLAN ID's allowed on the port, or 'all' to permit all VLAN's on the port. false false
-DropUntaggedTraffic SwitchParameter Trunk port can Drop all Untagged traffic. When true, no VLAN is required. Access ports cannot have dropUntaggedTraffic set to true. false false False
-Enabled SwitchParameter false false False


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A port object.


Set-MerakiApplianceSingleLan -NetworkId <String> [-ApplianceIp <String>] [-subnet <String>] [-MandatoryDHCP] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-MerakiApplianceSingleLan -NetworkId <String> [-ApplianceIp <String>] [-subnet <String>] [-Ipv6Enabled] [-Ipv6PrefixAssignments <PSObject[]>] [-MandatoryDHCP] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the Network. true false
-ApplianceIp String The local IP of the appliance on the single LAN false false
-subnet String The subnet of the single LAN false false
-Ipv6Enabled SwitchParameter Enable IPv6 on single LAN false false False
-Ipv6PrefixAssignments PSObject[] An array of Ipv6 prefix assignments on the single LAN. false false
-MandatoryDHCP SwitchParameter Mandatory DHCP will enforce that clients connecting to this single LAN must use the IP address assigned by the DHCP server. Clients who use a static IP address won't be able to associate. false false False


Set-MerakiApplianceSiteToSiteVpn [-NetworkId] <String> [-Mode] <String> [[-Hubs] <PSObject[]>] [[-Subnets] <PSObject[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The ID of the to update true false
-Mode String The site-to-site VPN mode. Can be one of 'none', 'spoke' or 'hub' true true (ByPropertyName)
-Hubs PSObject[] The list of VPN hubs, in order of preference. In spoke mode, at least 1 hub is required.
Hub objects contain the following properties.
hubId:string (Required) - The network ID of the hub.

useDefaultRoute:boolean - Only valid in 'spoke' mode. Indicates whether default route traffic should be sent to this hub.
false true (ByPropertyName)
-Subnets PSObject[] The list of subnets and their VPN presence.
Subnet object contain the following properties:
localSubnet:string (required) - The CIDR notation subnet used within the VPN
useVpn: boolean - Indicates the presence of the subnet in the VPN
false true (ByPropertyName)


Updating an existing network configured as a spoke.
# The easiest way to do this is to get the current von settings in an object.
$VpnSettings = Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceSiteToSiteCpn -id N_1246598574
# Modify the settings in this object
# Set the 1st hub destination
$VpnSettings.hubs[0].hubId = N_5452659857
$VpnSettings.hubs[0].useDefaultRoute = $false
# Modify the 2nd hub destination
$VpnSettings.hubs[0].hubId = N_4585965254
$VpnSettings.hubs[0].useDefaultRoute = $false
# Modify the subnet settings if necessary
$VpnSettings.Subnets[0].localSubnet =
$VpnSettings.Subnets[0].useVpn = $true
# Update the VPN Settings
Set-MerakiNetworkApplianceSiteToSiteVpn -NetworkId N_1246598574 -VpnSettings $VpnSettings
In this example we are going to convert a Hub (mess) network to a Spoke network
In this instance the subnet is already set as we want it so we will only change the mode and add in the remote hub networks.
# Create an array of hubs object $Hubs = @( @{ hubId = "N_54265629254" useDefaultRoute = $False }, @{ hubId = "N_75485962345" useDefaultRoute = $false } ) Set-MerakiNetworkApplianceSiteToSiteVpn -NetworkId N_845926352 -Mode Spoke -Hubs $Hubs

Top of page


Set-MerakiApplianceStaticRoute [-NetworkId] <String> [-Id] <String> [[-Name] <String>] [-Disable] [[-Subnet] <String>] [[-NextHopIp] <String>] [[-NextHopVlanID] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The ID of the network true true (ByPropertyName)
-Id RouteId String The Id of the static route. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Name String The name of the static route. false false
-Disable SwitchParameter Disable the static route. Omitting this parameter will enable the static route. false false False
-Subnet String The subnet of the static route false false
-NextHopIp GatewayIp String The next hop IP of the static route. false false
-NextHopVlanID GatewayVlanID String The next hop IP VLAN ID of the static route. false false


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-ApplianceIp None string false false
-CIDR None string false false
-DhcpBootFilename None string false false
-DhcpBootNextServer None string false false
-DhcpBootOptionEnabled None bool false false
-DhcpHandling None string false false
-DhcpLeaseTime None string false false
-DhcpOptions None hashtable[] false false
-DhcpRelayServerIPs None string[] false false
-DnsNameServers None string false false
-GroupPolicyId None string false false
-IPv6PrefixAssignments None hashtable[] false false
-Ipv6Enabled None switch false false
-MandatoryDhcp None bool false false
-Mask None string false false
-NetworkId None string true true (ByPropertyName)
-ReservedIpRanges None hashtable[] false false
-Subnet None string false false
-TemplateVlanType None string false false
-VlanId id string true true (ByPropertyName)
-VlanName None string false false
-VpnNatSUbnet None string false false
-fixedIpAssignments None hashtable[] false false


Set-MerakiDevice [-Serial] <String> [[-Name] <String>] [[-floorPlanId] <String>] [[-Notes] <String>] [[-SwitchProfileId] <String>] [-MoveMapMaker] [[-Latitude] <Int32>] [[-Longitude] <Int32>] [[-Tags] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String The serial number of the device. true true (ByPropertyName)
-Name String The name of the device. false false
-floorPlanId String The floor plan to associate to this device. null disassociates the device from the floorplan. false false
-Notes String The notes for the device. String. Limited to 255 characters. false false
-SwitchProfileId String The ID of a switch template to bind to the device (for available switch templates, see the 'Switch Templates' endpoint). Use null to unbind the switch device from the current profile. For a device to be bindable to a switch template, it must (1) be a switch, and (2) belong to a network that is bound to a configuration template. false false
-MoveMapMaker SwitchParameter Whether or not to set the latitude and longitude of a device based on the new address. Only applies when lat and lng are not specified. false false False
-Latitude Int32 The latitude of a device false false 0
-Longitude Int32 The longitude of a device false false 0
-Tags String[] An array of tags of a device false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Device object.


Set-MerakiNetwork [-NetworkId] <String> [-Name] <String> [[-TimeZone] <String>] [[-Notes] <String>] [[-Tags] <String[]>] [[-EnrollmentString] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The ID of the network true false
-Name String The name of the network true false
-TimeZone String The timezone of the network. For a list of allowed timezones false false
-Notes String Add any notes or additional information about this network here false false
-Tags String[] A list of tags to be applied to the network false false
-EnrollmentString String A unique identifier which can be used for device enrollment or easy access through the Meraki SM Registration page or the Self Service Portal.
Please note that changing this field may cause existing bookmarks to break.
false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A network object


Set-MerakiOrganization -Name <String> [-ManagementName <String>] [-ManagementValue <String>] [-ApiEnabled] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-MerakiOrganization -Name <String> [-ManagementName <String>] [-ManagementValue <String>] [-ApiEnabled] [-OrgID <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-MerakiOrganization -Name <String> [-ManagementName <String>] [-ManagementValue <String>] [-ApiEnabled] [-profileName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Name String The name of the organization true false
-ManagementName String Name of the management data false false
-ManagementValue String Value of the management data false false
-ApiEnabled SwitchParameter If present, enable the access to the Cisco Meraki Dashboard API false false False
-OrgID String The organization Id false false
-profileName String The saved profile name false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A Meraki organization object


Set-MerakiProfile [-profileName] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-profileName String The name of the profile to use. true false

Set-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterface Aliases

  • SetMSRteInt


Set-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterface [-Serial] <String> [-InterfaceId] <String> [[-VlanId] <Int32>] [[-Name] <String>] [[-Subnet] <String>] [[-DefaultGateway] <String>] [[-InterfaceIp] <String>] [[-MulticastRouting] <String>] [[-Ipv6Address] <String>] [[-Ipv6AssignmentMode] <String>] [[-Ipv6Gateway] <String>] [[-Ipv6Prefix] <String>] [[-OspfCost] <Int32>] [[-OspfArea] <String>] [-OspfIsPassive] [[-OspfV3Cost] <Int32>] [[-OspfV3Area] <String>] [-OspfV3IsPassive] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String Switch serial number. true false
-InterfaceId String Interface ID to be updates. true false
-VlanId Int32 The VLAN this routed interface is on. VLAN must be between 1 and 4094. false false 0
-Name String A friendly name or description for the interface or VLAN. false false
-Subnet String The network that this routed interface is on, in CIDR notation (ex. false false
-DefaultGateway String The next hop for any traffic that isn't going to a directly connected subnet or over a static route.
This IP address must exist in a subnet with a routed interface. Required if this is the first IPv4 interface.
false false
-InterfaceIp String The IP address this switch will use for layer 3 routing on this VLAN or subnet. This cannot be the same as the switch's management IP. false false
-MulticastRouting String Enable multicast support if, multicast routing between VLANs is required.
Options are: 'disabled', 'enabled' or 'IGMP snooping querier'. Default is 'disabled'.
false false
-Ipv6Address String The IPv6 address of the interface. Required if assignmentMode is 'static'. Must not be included if assignmentMode is 'eui-64'. false false
-Ipv6AssignmentMode String The IPv6 assignment mode for the interface. Can be either 'eui-64' or 'static'. false false
-Ipv6Gateway String The IPv6 default gateway of the interface. Required if prefix is defined and this is the first interface with IPv6 configured for the switch. false false
-Ipv6Prefix String The IPv6 prefix of the interface. Required if IPv6 object is included. false false
-OspfCost Int32 The path cost for this interface. Defaults to 1, but can be increased up to 65535 to give lower priority. false false 0
-OspfArea String The OSPF area to which this interface should belong. Can be either 'disabled' or the identifier of an existing OSPF area. Defaults to 'disabled'. false false
-OspfIsPassive SwitchParameter When enabled, OSPF will not run on the interface, but the subnet will still be advertised. false false False
-OspfV3Cost Int32 The path cost for this interface. Defaults to 1, but can be increased up to 65535 to give lower priority. false false 0
-OspfV3Area String The OSPFv3 area to which this interface should belong. Can be either 'disabled' or the identifier of an existing OSPFv3 area. Defaults to 'disabled'. false false
-OspfV3IsPassive SwitchParameter When enabled, OSPFv3 will not run on the interface, but the subnet will still be advertised. false false False


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • Interface object.

Set-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterfaceDhcp Aliases

  • SetMSRteIntDHCP


Set-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterfaceDhcp -Serial <String> -InterfaceId <String> [-DhcpMode <String>] [-DhcpRelayServerIps <String[]>] [-DhcpLeaseTime <String>] [-DnsNameServerOptions <String>] [-DnsCustomNameServers <String[]>] [-DhcpOptions <Hashtable[]>] [-ReservedIpRanges <Hashtable[]>] [-FixedIpRanges <Hashtable[]>] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-MerakiSwitchRoutingInterfaceDhcp -Serial <String> -InterfaceId <String> [-DhcpMode <String>] [-DhcpRelayServerIps <String[]>] [-DhcpLeaseTime <String>] [-DnsNameServerOptions <String>] [-DnsCustomNameServers <String[]>] [-BootOptionsEnabled] [-BootNextServer <String>] [-BootFileName <String>] [-DhcpOptions <Hashtable[]>] [-ReservedIpRanges <Hashtable[]>] [-FixedIpRanges <Hashtable[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String Device serial number true true (ByPropertyName)
-InterfaceId String Interface Id of the interface to be updated. true true (ByPropertyName)
-DhcpMode String The DHCP mode options for the switch interface ('dhcpDisabled', 'dhcpRelay' or 'dhcpServer') false false
-DhcpRelayServerIps String[] The DHCP relay server IPs to which DHCP packets would get relayed for the switch interface false false
-DhcpLeaseTime String The DHCP lease time config for the dhcp server running on switch interface
('30 minutes', '1 hour', '4 hours', '12 hours', '1 day' or '1 week')
false false
-DnsNameServerOptions String The DHCP name server option for the dhcp server running on the switch interface ('googlePublicDns', 'openDns' or 'custom') false false
-DnsCustomNameServers String[] The DHCP name server IPs when DHCP name server option is 'custom' false false
-BootOptionsEnabled SwitchParameter Enable DHCP boot options to provide PXE boot options configs for the dhcp server running on the switch interface false false False
-BootNextServer String The PXE boot server IP for the DHCP server running on the switch interface false false
-BootFileName String The PXE boot server filename for the DHCP server running on the switch interface false false
-DhcpOptions Hashtable[] Array of DHCP options consisting of code, type and value for the DHCP server running on the switch interface
DHCP option objects consist of the following fields.
code:string - The code for DHCP option which should be from 2 to 254
type:string - The type of the DHCP option which should be one of ('text', 'ip', 'integer' or 'hex')
value:string - The value of the DHCP option
false false
-ReservedIpRanges Hashtable[] Array of DHCP reserved IP assignments for the DHCP server running on the switch interface
Reserved Ip Range objects consist of the following fields
comment:string - The comment for the reserved IP range
end:string - The ending IP address of the reserved IP range
start:string - The starting IP address of the reserved IP range
false false
-FixedIpRanges Hashtable[] Array of DHCP fixed IP assignments for the DHCP server running on the switch interface
Fixed Ip Range objects consist of the following fields.
ip*:string - The IP address of the client which has fixed IP address assigned to it
mac*: string - The MAC address of the client which has fixed IP address
name*: string - The name of the client which has fixed IP address
false false


Set-MerakiSwitchRoutingStaticRoute [-Serial] <String> [-StaticRouteId] <String> [[-Name] <String>] [[-NextHopIp] <String>] [[-Subnet] <String>] [-AdvertiseViaOspfEnabled] [-PreferOverOspfRoutesEnabled] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-Serial String Serial number of the switch true false
-StaticRouteId String The statis route Id true false
-Name String Name or description for layer 3 static route false false
-NextHopIp String IP address of the next hop device to which the device sends its traffic for the subnet false false
-Subnet String The subnet which is routed via this static route and should be specified in CIDR notation (ex. false false
-AdvertiseViaOspfEnabled SwitchParameter Option to advertise static route via OSPF false false False
-PreferOverOspfRoutesEnabled SwitchParameter Option to prefer static route over OSPF routes. false false False


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • An object containing the updated static route

Set-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterface Aliases

  • SetMSStkRteInt


Set-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterface [-NetworkId] <String> [-StackId] <String> [-InterfaceId] <String> [-VlanId] <Int32> [-Name] <String> [[-Subnet] <String>] [[-InterfaceIp] <String>] [[-DefaultGateway] <String>] [[-Ipv6Address] <String>] [[-Ipv6AssignmentMode] <String>] [[-Ipv6Gateway] <String>] [[-Ipv6Prefix] <String>] [[-OspfCost] <Int32>] [[-OspfArea] <String>] [[-OspfIsPassiveEnabled] <Boolean>] [[-OspfV3Cost] <Int32>] [[-OspfV3Area] <String>] [[-OspfV3IsPassiveEnabled] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The network Id. true false
-StackId String The stack Id. true false
-InterfaceId String The Interface Id. true false
-VlanId Int32 The VLAN this routed interface is on. VLAN must be between 1 and 4094 true false 0
-Name String A friendly name or description for the interface or VLAN. true false
-Subnet String The network that this routed interface is on, in CIDR notation (ex. false false
-InterfaceIp String The IP address this switch stack will use for layer 3 routing on this VLAN or subnet. This cannot be the same as the switch's management IP. false false
-DefaultGateway String The next hop for any traffic that isn't going to a directly connected subnet or over a static route. This IP address must exist in a subnet with a routed interface. false false
-Ipv6Address String The IPv6 address of the interface. Required if assignmentMode is 'static'. Must not be included if assignmentMode is 'eui-64'. false false
-Ipv6AssignmentMode String The IPv6 assignment mode for the interface. Can be either 'eui-64' or 'static'. false false
-Ipv6Gateway String The IPv6 default gateway of the interface. Required if prefix is defined and this is the first interface with IPv6 configured for the stack. false false
-Ipv6Prefix String The IPv6 prefix of the interface. Required if IPv6 object is included. false false
-OspfCost Int32 The path cost for this interface. Defaults to 1, but can be increased up to 65535 to give lower priority. false false 0
-OspfArea String The OSPF area to which this interface should belong. Can be either 'disabled' or the identifier of an existing OSPF area. Defaults to 'disabled'. false false
-OspfIsPassiveEnabled Boolean When enabled, OSPF will not run on the interface, but the subnet will still be advertised. false false False
-OspfV3Cost Int32 The path cost for this interface. Defaults to 1, but can be increased up to 65535 to give lower priority. false false 0
-OspfV3Area String The OSPF area to which this interface should belong. Can be either 'disabled' or the identifier of an existing OSPF area. Defaults to 'disabled'. false false
-OspfV3IsPassiveEnabled Boolean When enabled, OSPF will not run on the interface, but the subnet will still be advertised. false false False


Set-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingInterfaceDhcp [-NetworkId] <String> [-StackId] <String> [-interfaceId] <String> [[-DhcpMode] <String>] [[-DhcpLeaseTime] <String>] [[-DnsNameServerOption] <String>] [[-DnsCustomNameServers] <String[]>] [-BootOptionsEnabled] [[-BootNextServer] <String>] [[-BootFilename] <String>] [[-DhcpOptions] <Hashtable>] [[-ReservedIpRanges] <Hashtable[]>] [[-fixedIpAssignments] <Hashtable[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The ID of the network true false
-StackId String The Od os the stack. true false
-interfaceId String The Id of the interface. true false
-DhcpMode String The DHCP mode options for the switch stack interface ('dhcpDisabled', 'dhcpRelay' or 'dhcpServer') false false
-DhcpLeaseTime String The DHCP lease time config for the dhcp server running on switch stack interface ('30 minutes', '1 hour', '4 hours', '12 hours', '1 day' or '1 week') false false
-DnsNameServerOption String The DHCP name server option for the dhcp server running on the switch stack interface. ('googlePublicDns', 'openDns' or 'custom') false false
-DnsCustomNameServers String[] The DHCP name server IPs when DHCP name server option is 'custom'. false false
-BootOptionsEnabled SwitchParameter Enable DHCP boot options to provide PXE boot options configs for the dhcp server running on the switch stack interface. false false False
-BootNextServer String The PXE boot server IP for the DHCP server running on the switch stack interface false false
-BootFilename String The PXE boot server file name for the DHCP server running on the switch stack interface false false
-DhcpOptions Hashtable Array of DHCP options (hash table) consisting of code, type and value for the DHCP server running on the switch stack interface.
code: string The code for DHCP option which should be from 2 to 254
type: string The type of the DHCP option which should be one of ('text', 'ip', 'integer' or 'hex')
value: string The value of the DHCP option
false false
-ReservedIpRanges Hashtable[] Array of DHCP reserved IP assignments (hash table) for the DHCP server running on the switch stack interface
comment: string The comment for the reserved IP range
end: string The ending IP address of the reserved IP range
start: string The starting IP address of the reserved IP range
false false
-fixedIpAssignments Hashtable[] Array of DHCP fixed IP assignments (hashtable) for the DHCP server running on the switch stack interface.
ip: string The IP address of the client which has fixed IP address assigned to it
mac: string The MAC address of the client which has fixed IP address
name: string The name of the client which has fixed IP address
false false

Set-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoute Aliases

  • SetMNSSRteStRoute


Set-MerakiSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoute [-NetworkId] <String> [-StackId] <String> [-StaticRouteId] <String> [[-Name] <String>] [[-NextHopIp] <String>] [[-Subnet] <String>] [-AdvertiseViaOspf] [-PreferOverOspfRoutes] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-NetworkId String The Id of the network true false
-StackId String The Id of the stack. true false
-StaticRouteId String The Id of the static route. true false
-Name String Name od the static route. false false
-NextHopIp String IP address of the next hop device to which the device sends its traffic for the subnet false false
-Subnet String The subnet which is routed via this static route and should be specified in CIDR notation (ex. false false
-AdvertiseViaOspf SwitchParameter Option to advertise static route via OSPF false false False
-PreferOverOspfRoutes SwitchParameter Option to prefer static route over OSPF routes false false False


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • A static route object.

Update-MerakiApplianceContentFiltering Aliases

  • UMNetAppCF


Update-MerakiApplianceContentFiltering -id <String> [-urlCategoryListSize <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Update-MerakiApplianceContentFiltering -id <String> [-allowedURLPatterns <String[]>] [-blockedURLPatterns <String[]>] [-blockedUrlCategories <String[]>] [-urlCategoryListSize <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Update-MerakiApplianceContentFiltering -id <String> [-urlCategoryListSize <String>] [-ContentFilteringRules <PSObject>] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-id String The Network Id. true true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-allowedURLPatterns String[] An array of allowed URL patterns. false false
-blockedURLPatterns String[] AM array of blocked URL patterns. false false
-blockedUrlCategories String[] An array of blocked URL Categories. false false
-urlCategoryListSize String The list size of the category list. Note this parameter is not supported on MX100 and above devices. false false
-ContentFilteringRules PSObject A Meraki content filtering rule object (not supported with other parameters). false false


The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.

  • The updated Meraki content filtering object.


You must pull the Content Filtering Rules using the function Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceContentFiltering and then modify the properties of that object.
Adding a new URL to the blocked URL Pattern
PS> $cfr = Get-MerakiNetworks | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "Dallas} | Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceContentFiltering
PS> $cfr.blockedUrlPatterns += ""
PS> Get-MerakiNetworks | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "Dallas"} | Update-MerakiNetworkApplianceContentFiltering -allowedUrlPatterns $cfr.allowedUrlPattern -blockedUrlPatterns $cfr.blockedUrlPatterns -blockedUrlCategories $cfr.blockedUrlCategories -urlCategoryListSize $cfr.urlCategoryListSize    
PS > Get-MerakiNetworks | Where-Object {$ "Dallas"} | Update-MerakiNetworkApplianceContentFiltering -ContentFilteringRules $cfr
Updating Templates
If you have networks bound to templates, you should must the template and allow the template to trickle the changes down to the bound network.
PS> $cfr = Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigTemplates | Where-object {$_.Name -eq "Org-Template"} | Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceContentFiltering
PS> $cfr.clockedUrlPatterns += ""
PS> Get-MerakiOrganizationConfigTemplates | Where-Object ($_.Name -eq "Org-Template"} Update-MerakiNetworkApplianceContentFiltering -ContentFilteringRules $cfr

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